Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 555
The Up-Hole Seismic Test Together with the SPT: Description of the System and Method
(Brazilian Soc Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering, 2018-05-01)
A proper geotechnical site characterization has to identify the geometry of relatively homogeneous zones and define indices, strength and stiffness properties of the soils within these zones. The most widely used in situ ...
The seismic SPT to determine the maximum shear modulus
This paper presents the first results of a system to carry out seismic SPT, which associates the up-hole seismic technique to the currently used SPT test. This hybrid test allows determining the maximum shear modulus (G ...
The seismic SPT to determine the maximum shear modulus
This paper presents the first results of a system to carry out seismic SPT, which associates the up-hole seismic technique to the currently used SPT test. This hybrid test allows determining the maximum shear modulus (G ...
The seismic SPT test in a tropical soil and the G(0)/N ratio
(Presses Des Ponts, 2013-01-01)
The seismic SPT, a test which associates the up-hole technique to the SPT, is briefly described. The maximum shear modulus (Go) can be determined together with the N value with this hybrid test. Seismic (Cross-hole, Down-hole ...
The seismic SPT test in a tropical soil and the G0/N ratio
The seismic SPT, a test which associates the up-hole technique to the SPT, is briefly described. The maximum shear modulus (G0) can be determined together with the N value with this hybrid test. Seismic (Cross-hole, Down-hole ...
Determination of soil properties from standard penetration test complemented by torque measurement (SPT-T)
(Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação, 2015)