Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 177
Cultured autologous bone marrow stem cells inhibit bony fusion in a rabbit model of posterolateral lumbar fusion with autologous bone graft
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been isolated from various tissues and expanded in culture. MSCs add osteogenic potential to ceramic scaffolds when used together. A spinal fusion rabbit model was used to evaluate whether ...
Autograft versus allograft with or without demineralized bone matrix in posterolateral lumbar fusion in rabbits - Laboratory investigation
Object. Posterolateral spinal fusions are performed to treat different spinal disorders. Autograft continues to be the gold standard; it is, however, associated with donor site morbidity and limited sources. Allograft has ...
Quality of life in the pre- And postoperative periods in spinal fusion and discectomy
Objectives: Considering the epidemiological and functional importance of spinal pathologies and the large number of surgeries performed today, the study aimed to evaluate the impact of spinal arthrodesis and discectomy ...
Do corticosteroids affect lumbar spinal fusion? A rabbit model using high-dose methylprednisolone
The effect of corticosteroids on spinal fusion healing has not yet been determined. To evaluate the effect of corticosteroids on lumbar spinal fusion we designed a randomized, placebo-controlled animal study using high-dose ...
Low Implant Failure Rate of Percutaneous Fixation for Spinal Metastases: A Multicenter Retrospective Study
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate incidence and types of implant failure observed in a series of patients with spinal metastases (SM) treated with minimally invasive stabilizationsurgery without fusion.
METHODS: In this multicenter, ...
The effect of ketoprophen on lumbar spinal fusion healing in a rabbit model
Object. Several reports have shown that nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have an inhibitory effect in osteogenesis and reduce heterotopic ossification in humans. A deleterious effect of NSAIDs in posterolateral ...
Unanticipated Revision Surgery in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Study Design. Retrospective case series.
"Evaluación de la proporcionalidad y utilidad de la cirugía de fusión lumbar en pacientes con patología degenerativa de columna lumbar controlados en HDC de Calama. Aspectos Bioéticos."
(Universidad del Desarrollo. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Bioética, 2019-05-17)
Diseño del Estudio: empírico descriptivo cuantitativo. Objetivo: Determinar si la cirugía
de fusión lumbar en pacientes con patología degenerativa lumbar puede reducir el dolor
lumbar y mejorar la función lumbar ...