Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 153
Regional electrical structure of the Andean subduction zone in central Chile (35 degrees 36 degrees S) using magnetotellurics
(Springer, 2017)
A profile of broadband magnetotelluric stations was acquired between 2009 and 2016 at 35 degrees-36 degrees S in the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Chilean Andes to image the subduction zone and its relation with the volcanic ...
Petrology of the Luingo caldera (SE margin of the Puna plateau): A middle Miocene window of the arc-back arc configuration
(Elsevier Science, 2011-03)
We describe the petrographic characteristics, whole-rock geochemistry and mineral chemistry of rocks from the Pucarilla-Cerro Tipillas Volcanic Complex with emphasis on the rocks belonging to the middle Miocene Luingo ...
Neotectonic reactivation of the western section of the Malargüe fold and thrust belt (Tromen volcanic plateau, Southern Central Andes)
(Elsevier, 2015)
This study examines the neotectonic deformation and development of the Tromen massif, a Quaternary retroarc volcanic field located in the western section of the Malargue fold and thrust belt in the Southern Central Andes. ...
Crustal collapse in the Andean backarc since 2 Ma: Tromen volcanic plateau, Southern Central Andes (36°40′-37°30′S)
(Elsevier Science, 2008-11)
Analysis of seismic lines and gravity data shows the existence of Quaternary extensional depocenters beneath thick covers of < 1 Ma-old volcanic rocks in the Tromen volcanic plateau backarc region (36°40′-37°30′S). Dating ...
Miocene to Recent collapse calderas of the southern and central volcanic zones of the Andes and their tectonic constraints
(Springer, 2021-01-30)
Central (18–28° S) and Southern (33–46° S) Andean Volcanic Zones (CVZ and SVZ, respectively) have several Miocene to Recent collapse calderas. We compare their characteristics based on published data to identify how the ...
Compositional variations revealed by ASTER image analysis of the Viedma Volcano, southern Andes Volcanic Zone
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), 2010)
Cenozoic arc-related magmatism in the southern Central and North Patagonian Andes
(Elsevier, 2019)
Variable geodynamic contexts have been registered throughout the Cenozoic in the southern Central and North Patagonian Andes. Significantly, these geodynamic changes have controlled the development of arc-related volcanism, ...
Geomorphology, morphometry, spatial distribution and ages of mafic monogenetic volcanoes of the Peinado and Incahuasi fields, southernmost Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes
(Elsevier Science, 2020-09-01)
The back-arc southern Puna region (south of ~24°S) in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes contains hundreds of Miocene to Quaternary mafic monogenetic volcanoes roughly distributed in several volcanic fields. Analysis ...
Three-dimensional geo-electrical structure in Juncalito geothermal prospect, northern Chile
(Elsevier, 2016)
Magnetotelluric (MT) data were recorded to investigate a geothermal prospect in northern Chile. The exploration area is located in the Atacama region, at the southern edge of the Chilean Altiplano, at an altitude of similar ...