Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 32
Anisotropy of pore size classes’ connectivity related to soil structure under no tillage
(Lippincott Williams, 2013-11)
No-tillage (NT) systems have been increasing during the last several decades. Development of a near-surface layer of laminar structure under NT has also been reported. The objectives of this work were to determine whether ...
Cover crops effects on anisotropy of unsaturated soil hydraulic properties
(Elsevier, 2023-03)
No tillage (NT) is frequently implemented in simplified agricultural systems, which has negative effects on soil physical quality. Among the suggested practices to preserve the physical fertility of soils under NT are ...
Quantifying physical and structural soil properties using X-ray microtomography
One of the current challenges in the study of recovering soil architecture is physically evaluating the internal soil structure in unconventional ways. The elaboration of consistent methods and physical parameters has ...
Effect of cover crops on hysteresis and anisotropy of soil hydraulic properties
(Elsevier, 2022-12)
No till is the main management system for soil conservation world-wide. In Argentina is frequently implemented in simplified crop sequences, which has negative effects on soil physical quality (SPQ). Among the suggested ...
Fractal dimension and anisotropy of soil CO2 emission in a mechanically harvested sugarcane production area
(Elsevier B.V., 2012-08-01)
Soil CO2 emissions (FCO2) are spatially dependent, and their spatial structure varies in different directions along the soil surface (anisotropy). This anisotropy, which can result from several pedological factors that are ...
Fractal dimension and anisotropy of soil CO2 emission in a mechanically harvested sugarcane production area
(Elsevier B.V., 2012-08-01)
Soil CO2 emissions (FCO2) are spatially dependent, and their spatial structure varies in different directions along the soil surface (anisotropy). This anisotropy, which can result from several pedological factors that are ...
Fractal dimension and anisotropy of soil CO2 emission in a mechanically harvested sugarcane production area
Soil CO2 emissions (FCO2) are spatially dependent, and their spatial structure varies in different directions along the soil surface (anisotropy). This anisotropy, which can result from several pedological factors that are ...
Soil structure and glyphosate fate under no-till management in the Pampa region. I. Soil structural anisotropy and hydro-physical behavior
(Elsevier, 2022-05-03)
Several studies have reported a frequent occurrence of platy structures in soils under no tillage (NT), mostly in silty ones. The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphological features and the pore architecture ...
Soil structure and glyphosate fate under no-till management in the Pampa region. I: Soil structural anisotropy and hydro-physical behavior
(Elsevier Science, 2022-07)
Several studies have reported a frequent occurrence of platy structures in soils under no tillage (NT), mostly in silty ones. The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphological features and the pore architecture ...