Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1570
Curriculum Grisel de la Caridad Cabrera Dávila
Curriculum Grisel de la Caridad Cabrera Dávila, Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, Cuba, especialidad, Biología del suelo: La fauna edáfica como bioindicador según el impacto del uso y calidad del suelo.
Curriculum Ana América Socarrás Rivero
Why should we care about soil fauna?
(Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, Brasília, DF, v. 44, n. 8, p.835-842, ago. 2009., 2014)
P211LH005- 022 Impactos de la Agricultura de Conservación sobre propiedades del suelo en áreas de diferentes agro ecosistemas del país
Evaluar en agro ecosistemas cubanos la Agricultura de Conservación como práctica agrícola alternativa para la protección de los suelos y su efecto sobre la fauna edáfica. Evaluate in Cuban agro ecosystems Conservation ...
Differential contribution of soil biota groups to plant litter decomposition as mediated by soil use
(PeerJ, 2014-12-18)
Plant decomposition is dependant on the activity of the soil biota and its interactions
with climate, soil properties, and plant residue inputs. This work assessed the roles
of different groups of the soil biota on litter ...
Impacts of agricultural activities in remaining forest: Campinas/SP, Brazil
Forest fragmentation occurs normally in an area around the city or with high agricultural influence, such as the Forest of Quilombo that lies in Metropolitan Campinas/SP- Brazil. This forest is one such example since it ...
Impacts of agricultural activities in remaining forest: Campinas/SP, Brazil
Forest fragmentation occurs normally in an area around the city or with high agricultural influence, such as the Forest of Quilombo that lies in Metropolitan Campinas/SP- Brazil. This forest is one such example since it ...
Differential contribution of soil biota groups to plant litter decomposition as mediated by soil use
(PeerJ, 2015-03)
Plant decomposition is dependant on the activity of the soil biota and its interactions with climate, soil properties, and plant residue inputs. This work assessed the roles of different groups of the soil biota on litter ...
Fauna epiedáfica em áreas de diferentes tipos de uso do solo: avaliação quantitativa, qualitativa e suficiência amostral
(Universidade Federal do PampaUNIPAMPABrasilCampus São Gabriel, 2019)
Differential contribution of soil biota groups to plant litter decomposition as mediated by soil use
(PeerJ, 2015)
Plant decomposition is dependant on the activity of the soil biota and its interactions with climate, soil properties, and plant residue inputs. This work assessed the roles of different groups of the soil biota on litter ...