Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5072
Understanding the Internet of Nano Things: overview, trends, and challenges
(Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información, 2019)
The cloud-to-thing continuum : opportunities and challenges in cloud, fog and edge computing
This is the fifth book in the series, Advances in Digital Business and
Enabling Technologies, which aims to contribute to multi-disciplinary
research on digital business and enabling technologies, such as cloud computing, ...
BILROST: Handling Actuators of the Internet of Things through Tweets on Twitter using a Domain- Specific Language
In recent years, many investigations have appeared that combine the Internet of Things and Social Networks. Some of them addressed the interconnection of objects as Social Networks interconnect people, and others addressed ...
The Internet of Things and its Impact on Social Relationships Involving Mutual Trust
(Ieee, 2015-01-01)
In this paper, we investigate possible positive and negative consequences of the Internet of Things (IoT), characterized as the scenario in which computing-like technological devices and people can interact and exchange ...
The internet of things and its impact on social relationships involving mutual trust
In this paper, we investigate possible positive and negative consequences of the Internet of Things (IoT), characterized as the scenario in which computing-like technological devices and people can interact and exchange ...
The god of small things: uma voz poética entre o Oriente e o Ocidente
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2006-12-14)
Este estudo apresenta uma análise da obra The God of Small Things, da escritora indiana Arundhati Roy (1961), na qual ficção e episódios históricos, relativos às conseqüências da colonização inglesa na Índia, mesclam-se ...
The god of small things: uma voz poética entre o Oriente e o Ocidente
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2006-12-14)
Este estudo apresenta uma análise da obra The God of Small Things, da escritora indiana Arundhati Roy (1961), na qual ficção e episódios históricos, relativos às conseqüências da colonização inglesa na Índia, mesclam-se ...
Durkheim as the Founding Father of Phenomenological Sociology
(Springer, 2015-09)
In the first place, I discuss the main papers and books on Durkheim published in recent years, where no attention is given to the phenomenological interpretations of his work. Then I expose different phenomenological ...
Introduction to the Special Section on Social Computing and Social Internet of Things
The papers in this special section focus on social computing and the social Internet of Things (SIoT). SIoT is a new and latest paradigm that extends Internet of Things. This provides an ideal platform for interconnected ...