Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10674
Logics of Action, Provisioning Domains, and Institutions: Provisioning Institutional Logics
(M E Sharpe IncArmonkEUA, 2013)
The Logic of Capital and Hegemonic LogicA lógica do capital e a lógica hegemônica
(Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento, 2019-08)
This article aims at establishing a dialogue between the theory of hegemony of Ernesto Laclau and the categorial interpretation of Marx by Moishe Postone. First, I will show that the hegemonic logic of Laclau appears ...
Link prediction using a probabilistic description logic
(Netherlands, 2014-03-11)
Due to the growing interest in social networks,
link prediction has received significant attention. Link prediction
is mostly based on graph-based features, with some
recent approaches focusing on domain semantics. We ...
Monotonic modal logics with a conjunction
(Springer, 2021-11)
Monotone modal logics have emerged in several application areas such as computer science and social choice theory. Since many of the most studied selfextensional logics have a conjunction, in this paper we study some ...
Temporal Reasoning and MAS
In this article we defend the possibility of finding in intuitive thinking a set of characteristics or laws which refer to logical aspects, which are different from classic symbolic logic, involving both the rational ...
Social Time, Bodies and the “Logic of Waiting” in the Configuration of Urban Sensibilities
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2014-03)
Considering the acceleration of social time encouraged by the ever increasing speed in the circulation of goods and products in the current phase of capitalist development, it becomes essential to reflect on the configuration ...
Medicalization logic in social assistance, assistance logic in healthMedicalizar la asistencia, asistencializar la salud
(Universidad Nacional de Lanús, 2014)
Chiefs, Kings, and Patrons. Leadership and Social Logics in the Beginnings of Ancient Egypt
(Universidad de La Laguna, 2016-10)
Este artículo propone una consideración de las diversas formas de liderazgo sociopolítico en el Antiguo Egipto del IV y el III milenio a.C. en relación con las lógicas sociales del parentesco, del Estado y del patronazgo. ...