Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 809
Utiliza????o da fibra de sisal tratada com l??quido i??nico como sorvente em derramamento de ??leos
(Escola Polit??cnicaem Engenharia Qu??micaUFBAbrasil, 2019-04-25)
Flexural behavior of Sisal/Castor oil-Based Polyurethane and Sisal/Phenolic Composites
(ABM, ABC, ABPol, 2012-04-01)
Natural fibers used as reinforcement of polymeric composites are interesting research subjects in polymer technology. Nowadays, these materials are being considered as a way to reinforce timber structures improvement. ...
Flexural behavior of Sisal/Castor oil-Based Polyurethane and Sisal/Phenolic Composites
(ABM, ABC, ABPol, 2012-04-01)
Natural fibers used as reinforcement of polymeric composites are interesting research subjects in polymer technology. Nowadays, these materials are being considered as a way to reinforce timber structures improvement. ...
Caracterização da produção de culturas (feijão, milho, mandioca, mamona, sisal) e criação por cabeça de bovino, caprino e ovino) no território do Sisal (Bahia)Characterization of crop production (beans, corn, cassava, castor bean, sisal) and livestock (cattle, goat and sheep) in the territory of Sisal (Bahia)
(Universidade Federal de Sergipe, 2015)
Sisal cellulose acetates obtained from heterogeneous reactions
In the present work, cellulose obtained from sisal, which is a source of rapid growth, was used. Cellulose acetates were produced in heterogeneous medium, using acetic anhydride as esterifying agent and iodine as catalyst, ...
Compósitos de polietileno de alta densidade reforçados com fibra de sisal
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáLondrinaBrasilEngenharia de MateriaisUTFPR, 2020-11-30)
Polymeric materials are currently used in about 95% of the Brazilian industry, and the search for better performance of these materials has been the subject of study for some time. The incorporation os reinforcements in ...