Mostrando ítems 1-6 de 6
Zika Virus Subgenomic Flavivirus RNA Generation Requires Cooperativity between Duplicated RNA Structures That Are Essential for Productive Infection in Human Cells
(American Society for Microbiology, 2020-08)
Zika virus (ZIKV) is an emerging flavivirus, mainly transmitted by mosquitoes, which represents a global health threat. A common feature of flavivirus-infected cells is the accumulation of viral noncoding subgenomic RNAs ...
Dengue virus genomic variation associated with mosquito adaptation defines the pattern of viral non-coding RNAs and fitness in human cells
(Public Library of Science, 2017-03)
The Flavivirus genus includes a large number of medically relevant pathogens that cycle between humans and arthropods. This host alternation imposes a selective pressure on the viral population. Here, we found that dengue ...
Zika virus RNA structures act cooperatively to regulate the production of viral non-coding RNAs with different impact in mosquito and human hosts
(American Society of Virology, 2020)
The explosive epidemic of Zika virus (ZIKV), together with the unique properties of this virus regarding transmission and disease, posed a tremendous challenge to understand the molecular processes that lead to infection ...
Modelo integrado para la caracterización in silico del efecto de la diversidad genética sobre regiones estructuradas codificantes y no codificantes del virus del Dengue
(Bogotá - Ingeniería - Maestría en BioinformáticaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2019-12-21)
La diversidad y evolución genética del virus Dengue (DENV) ha sido un tema de atención en virología abordado para comprender las interacciones que surgen entre él y sus hospederos lo cual involucra descifrar el desarrollo ...