Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4852
Cu@Au self-assembled nanoparticles as SERS-active substrates for (bio)molecular sensing
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
Cu0(core)-Au0(shell) (Cu@Au) bimetallic nanoparticles (NPs) synthesized under microwave-assisted heating were interrogated for surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-active substrates. NPs characterization, by XRD, XPS ...
Development of an operational substrate for ZapA, a metalloprotease secreted by the bacterium Proteus mirabilis
(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica (ABRADIC), 2000-07-01)
The protease ZapA, secreted by Proteus mirabilis, has been considered to be a virulence factor of this opportunistic bacterium. The control of its expression requires the use of an appropriate methodology, which until now ...
Produção de substratos sers eficientes através da deposição de ouro sobre um molde de microesferas de poliestireno
(Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2010)
This work reports on the SERS activity of a nanostructured substrate that was obtained by electrodepositing gold over a template consisting of polystyrene microspheres. This substrate displayed superior SERS performance ...
Protein kinase CK2: An enzyme with multiple substrates and a puzzling regulation
Protein kinase CK2 (also known as casein kinase II) is a ubiquitous eukaryotic ser/thr protein kinase present in the nucleus and cytoplasm. CK2 is known to phosphorylate more than 100 substrates, many of which are involved ...
Development of an operational substrate for ZapA, a metalloprotease secreted by the bacterium Proteus mirabilis
(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica (ABRADIC), 2014)
Exploring copper nanostructures as highly uniform and reproducible substrates for plasmon-enhanced fluorescence
(Royal Soc Chemistry, 2015-01-01)
The unique properties of metallic nanostructures of coinage metals that can sustain localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR) put them at the centre of plasmon-enhanced phenomena. The theory of plasmonic phenomena based ...
Development of an operational substrate for ZapA, a metalloprotease secreted by the bacterium Proteus mirabilis
(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica, 2000-07-01)
The protease ZapA, secreted by Proteus mirabilis, has been considered to be a virulence factor of this opportunistic bacterium. The control of its expression requires the use of an appropriate methodology, which until now ...
Development of an operational substrate for ZapA, a metalloprotease secreted by the bacterium Proteus mirabilis
(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica (ABRADIC), 2000-07-01)
The protease ZapA, secreted by Proteus mirabilis, has been considered to be a virulence factor of this opportunistic bacterium. The control of its expression requires the use of an appropriate methodology, which until now ...