Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4121
Effect of a neuro-sensory additive on behaviour and growth of feedlot finishing beef cattle
(Oxford Univ Press Inc, 2019-12-01)
Perfil das habilidades do processamento sensorial em crianças com Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH)
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-08-12)
O TDAH é um transtorno do desenvolvimento caracterizado por um quadro bastante heterogêneo que está associado a distúrbios motores, perceptivos, cognitivos e comportamentais, representando elevado risco de comprometimentos ...
Descriptive sensory analysis of meat-The baseline for any sensory innovation for meat products: Case study
Descriptive sensory analysis is one of the most adequate and used methods for sensory characterization of meat and meat products since it provides a lot of information that is easily interpreted during the elaboration of ...
Avaliação sensorial em mortadela com adição de microcristais de curcumina
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo MouraoBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de AlimentosTecnologia em AlimentosUTFPR, 2018-06-15)
The mortadella is an industrialized meat embedded much appreciated and consumed by all social classes, due to its characteristic taste and odor and affordable price. In its formulation are added meat, fat, water, additives ...
Additional sensory information reduces body sway of individuals with anterior cruciate ligament injury
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the additional sensory information could improve postural control in individuals with unilateral anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Twenty-eight individuals with ...
Textured soy protein, collagen and maltodextrin as extenders to improve the physicochemical and sensory properties of beef burger
Non-meat ingredients have been added as extenders to variety of meat products, such as beef burger, to improve some properties. Textured soy protein (TSP), collagen (CL) and maltodextrin (MD); and their combinations (TSPCL, ...
Sensory profile and preference mapping of orange cakes with addition of prebiotics inulin and oligofructose
Orange cakes with addition of inulin and oligofructose to justify a prebiotic claim (minimum of 3 g of fructans in a 60 g serving of cake) were investigated regarding sensory aspects. The sensory profile of cakes with ...
Sensory profile and preference mapping of orange cakes with addition of prebiotics inulin and oligofructose
Orange cakes with addition of inulin and oligofructose to justify a prebiotic claim (minimum of 3 g of fructans in a 60 g serving of cake) were investigated regarding sensory aspects. The sensory profile of cakes with ...
The Role of the Dynamic Sensory Perception in the Reformulation of Shakes: Use of TDS for Studying the Effect of Milk, Fiber, and Flavor Addition
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-12)
Various factors need to be taken into account when reformulating a food or beverage. The food components, not only macronutrients but also minor ingredients such as flavoring agents, could affect the perception of the ...
(Centro Pesquisa Processamento AlimentosCuritiba PrBrasil, 2012)