Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1504
Diagnostico del turismo sénior como nueva alternativa turística para el municipio de Anapoima (Cundinamarca)
It’s important to add that socio-cultural changes have now allowed to diversify tourism,
presenting new challenges. One of them is the tourism offer for the elderly people, which is
moving the tourism industry, becoming ...
There is always something to teach, there is always something to learn: How and why should we teach mathematics to senior people?Há sempre o que ensinar, há sempre o que aprender: Como e por que educação matemática na terceira idade?
This paper is related to the development of educative actions with senior people. More specifically, it refers to the Mathematical Education promoted in the space of university extension activities. It is considered that ...
Diseño de un sistema para mejorar la comunicación enfocado a personas mayores
Las personas mayores han sido uno de los colectivos más castigados por la pandemia del Covid-19 y por la famosa brecha digital, afectando esto a sus relaciones sociales y aumentando la soledad en este sector poblacional. ...
Effects of Senior Dance practice on the functional aspects of adults and the elderlyEfeitos da prática de Dança Sênior nos aspectos funcionais de adultos e idosos
This study aimed to identify and analyze the effects of Senior Dance practice on adults and elderly people. This is a descriptive, retrospective study that used the methodology of Systematic Review. Data collection occurred ...
Del empoderamiento al emprendimiento: el poder personal, comunal, intercomunal y las redes para envejecer activamente
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2013)
En esta ponencia, las autoras, personas miembros de la Subcomisión de Persona Adulta Mayor, del Consejo Nacional de Rectores (CONARE), presentan una sistematización de lametodología utilizada en el trabajo que, desde el ...
Senior entrepreneurship following unemployment: a social identity theory perspective
This article applies social identity theory to examine how identifcation with social
groups shapes the entrepreneurial endeavours of individuals aged 50 or over who
start businesses when unemployed or under threat of ...
Exploring senior citizens´insights about learning english as a foreign language
"This study aims to explore seven senior citizens’ insights toward learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in central México. The purpose is to identify their beliefs, attitudes and experiences about EFL. I specifically ...
Avaliação da aptidão motora e qualidade de vida de indivíduos da terceira idade praticantes da dança sênior
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2016)
Avaliação da aptidão motora e qualidade de vida de indivíduos da terceira idade praticantes da dança sênior
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016)