Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 181
Cattle raising in central, semiarid rangelands of Argentina
(Elsevier, 2006-02)
Most rangelands are managed inappropriately in Argentina. This article provides some simple guidelines that can ensure a better grazing of rangeland vegetation and simultaneously increase beef production. Our main objective ...
Comparison of animal biodiversity in three livestock systems of open environments of the semi-arid Chaco of Argentina
(Australian Rangeland Society, 2015-07)
Increasing global food demand requires the exploration of agricultural production systems that minimise the conflict between food production and biodiversity conservation. Cattle ranching is a main land-use in tropical and ...
Anchored in 'average thinking' in studies of arid rangeland dynamics: The need for a step forward from traditional measures of variability
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015-05-07)
There is a wide consensus that arid and semi-arid environments are highly variable in space and time. The most frequent approaches to describe and analyze arid and semi-arid rangelands are based on the usage of averages ...
Litter quality of C3 perennial grasses and soil inorganic nitrogen in a semi-arid rangeland of central Argentina
(elsevier, 2008-09)
The study was undertaken to quantify litter quality of six C3 perennial grasses and species effects on soil inorganic nitrogen (N) in a semiarid rangeland of central Argentina. Leaf litter and roots were analyzed for N, ...
Forage provision is more affected by droughts in arid and semi-arid than in mesic rangelands
(Wiley, 2022-06)
Droughts are projected to increase in magnitude, frequency and duration in the near future. In rangelands, the provision of valuable ecosystem services such as forage supply for livestock productivity is intimately linked ...
Greenhouse gas emissions from beef grazing systems in semi-arid rangelands of central Argentina
(MDPI, 2018-11)
The livestock sector can be a major contributor to the mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Within the sector, beef production produces the largest proportion of the livestock sector’s direct emissions. The objective ...
Precipitation is the key determinant of topsoil δ15N values in southern Patagonia's semiarid rangelands
(Soil Science Society of AmericaEstados Unidos, 2022-02-11)
Nitrogen (N) cycling in rangeland soils could potentially be controlled by water supply, stocking rates, or a range of other variables, such as ecosystem N stocks. To gauge the relative importance and elucidate possible ...
Encroachment of Acacia brevispica and Acacia drepanolobium in semi-arid rangelands of ethiopia and their influence on sub-canopy grasses
(Research Journal of Botony, 2010)
Grazing ecology and the conservation of the Caldenal rangelands, Argentina
(Elsevier, 2016-11)
Grazing by domestic livestock in the Caldenal rangelands has been threatening the ecological balance of this unique biome located in the semiarid zone of central Argentina. The aim of this review was to describe and explain ...