Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1958
Size-related seed use by rodents on early recruitment of Quercus serrata in a subtropical island forest
Rodents are ubiquitous seed predators in nature and their size-related seed choice plays an important role in the plant's community structure. However, to understand how size-related seed predation by rodents affects plant ...
Are rodents a source of biotic resistance to tree invasion in Pampean grasslands? Tree seed consumption under different conditions
(Wiley, 2015-05)
Biotic resistance has been invoked as a major barrier to woody species invasion, although the role of resident generalist consumers and their interaction with seed availability in a local community has received little ...
(Univ Federal Uberlandia, 2017-09-01)
In pneumatic precision seeders, the regularity in seeds deposition is essential for a proper sowing process. Thus, the aim of this study was to verify the accuracy in the soy beans seed capturing in different vacuum pressures ...
Evolutionary perspectives on seed consumption and dispersal by fishes
(Amer Inst Biological Sci, 2007-10-01)
Fishes probably were the first vertebrate seed dispersers, yet little research has examined this phenomenon. We review evidence of fruit and seed consumption by fishes, and analyze the evolution of frugivory and granivory ...
A plurality of causal mechanisms explains the persistence or transience of soil seed banks
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2010-02)
Annual forbs form short-term persistent soil seed banks whereas perennial grasses form mostly transient ones in the central Monte desert. A conceptual framework predicts that annual forb seeds will have primary dormancy, ...
Wheat farmers' seed management and varietal adoption in Kenya
(Egerton UniversityKARICIMMYT, 2012)
Seed Predation by Rodents and Implications for Plant Recruitment in Defaunated Atlantic Forests
Rodents are known to perform post-dispersal seed predation in tropical rain forest, but there is little information on the identity of these seed predators and how they select their seeds. Using cafeteria experiments, we ...
Post-dispersal seed predation in Patagonia temperate forest depends on habitat patchiness and seed species
(Springer, 2021-05)
Post dispersal seed predation is a key process regulating plant population dynamics and community composition. Because food preference (i.e. seed species selection) can interact with habitat features such as vegetation ...