Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 775
Seasonal trend analysis of minimum air temperature in La Plata river basin
(Springer Wien, 2021-04)
Regional economies that depend predominantly on agriculture and livestock are heavily affected by changes in air temperature, one such case are the activities in La Plata river basin (LPB). Some studies suggest that ...
Investigating long range dependence in temperatures in Siberia
In this paper we examine monthly mean temperatures in 40 selected stations in Siberia for the time period January 1937–December 2020 using long range dependence techniques. In particular, we use a fractionally integrated ...
A combined view on precipitation and temperature climatology and trends in the southern Andes of Peru
(John Wiley and Sons, 2020-05-13)
In the southern Peruvian Andes, communities are highly dependent on climatic conditions due to the mainly rain-fed agriculture and the importance of glaciers and snow melt as a freshwater resource. Longer-term trends and ...
Analysis of the trends in observed extreme temperatures in mainland Chile between 1966 and 2015 using different indices
Temperature records provide strong evidence of change and variability in the climate system. The
sensitivity of temperature to seasonal changes throughout the year makes it an ideal object of study when
seeking to identify ...
Calling activity patterns in an anuran assemblage: the role of seasonal trends and weather determinants
Calling activity of anuran assemblages were related to seasonal changes in weather factors such as temperature and rainfall. We evaluated the suitability of these variables as determinants of activity of an assemblage and ...
Trends in sea surface temperature and air–sea heat fluxes over the South Atlantic Ocean
(Springer, 2019-04)
The understanding of latent and sensible heat fluxes (LHF and SHF, respectively) is essential to improve our knowledge on how the atmosphere and oceans interact. In this work we identified trends of LHF and SHF in the South ...
Spatial and temporal variability of satellite-derived sea surface temperature in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2010-04)
Mean fields, seasonal cycle, and interannual variability of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (SAO) sea surface temperature (SST) distribution are examined during an 18-year (January 1985-December 2002) period by means of ...
Seasonal rainfall patterns classification, relationship to ENSO and rainfall trends in Ecuador
Water is one of Ecuador's most important natural resources, whose management should rely on good information and adequate models for the water balance. Although there are many studies focusing on rainfall and temperatures, ...
Pan-European seasonal trends and recent changes of drought frequency and severity
(Elsevier Science, 2017-01)
In the last decades drought has become one of the natural disasters with most relevant impacts in Europe and this not only in water scarce areas such as the Mediterranean that are inclined to such events. As a complex ...