Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 108
Tectonic Processes along the South America Coastline Derived from Quaternary Marine Terraces
(Coastal Education & Research Foundation, 2016-07-22)
South America is overriding the Nazca, Antarctic, and Cocos plates, and at the same time is moving along the Caribbean and Scotia plates. Quaternary sea-level highstands are ideal benchmarks to estimate tectonic uplifts ...
Foraminiferal paleodiversity and paleoenvironments at the NE coastal plain of Buenos Aires province (Argentina) during the Mid-Holocene sea level highstand
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2020-01)
In this investigation, we carried out a Mid-Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on fossilized benthic foraminifera, retrieved from sedimentary deposits located in Bahía Samborombón coastal plain. A total of ...
Evidence of a Mid-Holocene Sea Level Highstand from the Sedimentary Record of a Macrotidal Barrier and Paleoestuary System in Northwestern Australia
This study addresses the mid- to late Holocene stratigraphy and sea level history of a macrotidal barrier and paleoestuary system located along the relatively unstudied northwest coast of Australia. Thirty-nine shallow ...
Last Interglacial Sea-level highstand deduced from notches and inner margins of marine terraces at Puerto Deseado, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina
(Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, 2017-10)
Se realizó un estudio geomorfológico detallado en la zona de Puerto Deseado (provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina) para reconstruir la posición relativa del nivel (RNM) del mar durante el Último Máximo Interglacial. La ...
Environmental changes related to the Holocene sea-level transgression and successive highstand (7–5.5 Kyr) at the NE coastal plain of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021-11-20)
We present a high resolution multi-proxy study about environmental changes that occurred during the Holocene sea-level transgression and successive highstand (7–5.5 Kyr) in the central zone of Bahía Samborombón (∼35.6° S), ...
Highstands of the sea level and the speciation of coastal communities: opportunities for the new territories in southern South AmericaNiveles altos del mar y la especiación de comunidades costeras: oportunidades para los nuevos territorios en el sur de Sudamérica.
(Centro de Estudios de Biodiversidad, 2012-09)
La fluctuación del nivel durante el Holoceno indujo la emergencia de nuevas áreas geográficas limitadas a algunos factores condicionantes como el régimen de salinidad, hábitats y sustratos. En la costa argentina, algunos ...
The Evolution of the Bío Bío Delta and the Coastal Plains of the Arauco Gulf, Bío Bío Region: the Holocene Sea-Level Curve of Chile
(Coastal Education & Research Foundation, 2012-03)
Mid-Holocene highstands are characteristic of the Southern Hemisphere. The Chilean coast extends from 17°S to 56°S in a dominant microtidal regime; thus, it is an ideal place to test ages and altitudes of this highstand ...
Coastal landscape evolution on the western margin of the Bahía Blanca Estuary (Argentina) mirrors a non-uniform sea-level fall after the mid-Holocene highstand
(Springer, 2016-11)
Sedimentary descriptions and radiocarbon ages from two cores obtained from coastal plains along the western margin of the Bahía Blanca Estuary (Argentina) were integrated with previous information on landscape patterns and ...