Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14
Drought-induced mortality affects understory vegetation: release after death
(Springer Tokyo, 2012-07)
In recent decades, severe droughts have become an important cause of canopy disturbance in forests, and have shown potential to cause rapid and pronounced vegetation shifts. Under dead canopy, undamaged understory could ...
Offspring performance and recruitment of the pionner tree Acacia caven (Fabaceae) in a fragmented subtropical dry forest
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2015-02)
The process of habitat fragmentation results in the breaking apart of originally continuous habitats,causing multiple changes in biotic and abiotic interactions. Alterations in resource availability and in mutualistic and ...
Effects of selection cuttings on the growth of saplings of shade-tolerant hardwoods: statistical analysis using linear mixed modelsEfectos de cortas de selección en el crecimiento de brinzales de especies tolerantes latifoliadas: análisis estadístico usando modelos lineales mixtos
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales., 2005)
Gap-phase dynamics and coexistence of a long-lived pioneer and shade-tolerant tree species in the canopy of an old-growth coastal temperate rain forest of Chiloe Island, Chile
Aim A major question with regard to the ecology of temperate rain forests in south-central Chile is how pioneer and shade-tolerant tree species coexist in old-growth forests. We explored the correspondence between tree ...
Stand recovery and self-organization following large-scale mountain pine beetle induced canopy mortality in northern forests
(Elsevier Science, 2013-12-15)
A mountain pine beetle (MPB) epidemic is currently ravaging large areas of interior British Columbia (BC) with significant implications for ecosystem services including future timber supply and community economic stability. ...
Riqueza, estrutura e composição de espécies arbóreas em floresta secundária invadida por hovenia dulcis thunb, caracterização do seu nicho de regeneração e efeitos alelopáticos
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2011-02-25)
The impact of invasive species on native species has been widely recognized as an important cause of the changes in the global diversity. Invading species are able to affect the structure and function of invaded ecosystems. ...
Riqueza, estrutura e composição de espécies arbóreas em floresta secundária invadida por hovenia dulcis thunb, caracterização do seu nicho de regeneração e efeitos alelopáticos
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2011-02-25)
The impact of invasive species on native species has been widely recognized as an important cause of the changes in the global diversity. Invading species are able to affect the structure and function of invaded ecosystems. ...
Tree-fall gaps and patterns of tree recruitment and growth in Andean old-growth forests in south-central ChileClaros en el dosel y patrones de reclutamiento y crecimiento arbóreo en bosques antiguos en la Cordillera de Los Andes del centro-sur de Chile
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales., 2017)
Rol del ganado vacuno doméstico como modelador de la dinámica de los bosques montanos subtropicales (yungas)
Los ungulados constituyen uno de los principales factores bióticos queinfluyen en la estructura y la diversidad de las comunidades de plantas, y en lasfunciones de la mayoría de los ecosistemas terrestres. En particular, ...