Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 653
Scene, Santa Cruz River
(Wilsons Ltd.,[Trinidad and Tobago], 2011-03-01)
The postcard shows an idyllic scene of the Santa Cruz river.
Dams in the last large free-flowing rivers of Patagonia, the Santa Cruz River, environmental features, and macroinvertebrate community
(Elsevier, 2013-05)
Three large rivers have their headwaters in the Patagonian Ice Fields (PIFs) in the Andes Mountains, thelargest mid-latitude ice masses on Earth: Santa Cruz, Baker and Pascua. They are the last large free flowingrivers in ...
Modelos de caminos óptimos entre la cuenca superior y media del río Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, Argentina)Optimal path models from the upper and middle basin of the Santa Cruz River (Santa Cruz, Argentina)
(Instituto de Arqueología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2018)
Santa Cruz River, Trinidad, B.W.I.
(Waterman, The Hatter, Clothier andOutfitter,[Trinidad and Tobago]; Printed in England, 2011-02-25)
The postcard shows some villagers standing in the Santa Cruz River in Trinidad.
Raw material circulation at broad scales in southern Patagonia (Argentina): The cases of the Chico and Santa Cruz River basins
(Elsevier, 2015-06)
The purpose of this paper is to begin to understand human mobility through rock transport at different times in two areas with different environmental characteristics: the Southern Deseado Massif and the basaltic canyons ...
Modelos de caminos óptimos entre la cuenca superior y media del río Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, Argentina).Optimal path models from the upper and middle basin of the Santa Cruz River (Santa Cruz, Argentina)
(Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2018-12)
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en evaluar potenciales sectores de cruce pedestre del río Santa Cruz (provincia de Santa Cruz) mediante el modelado de caminos de menor costo energético en el marco de un Sistema de ...
Modelos de circulación humana entre la margen norte del Río Santa Cruz y Mesetas Basálticas Septentrionales (Santa Cruz, Argentina)Human circulation models in the northern bank of the Santa Cruz river and their relationship with northwestern spaces (Santa Cruz, Argentina)
(Centro de Estudios Históricos “Prof. Carlos S. A. Segreti”, 2021-08-18)
La señal arqueológica de ocupación de los cañadones de la margen norte del río Santa Cruz es más abundante durante el Holoceno tardío. Las similitudes en motivos y técnicas rupestres con sitios ubicados al noroeste de esta ...
Push moraines in the upper valley of Santa Cruz river, southwest Argentina. Structural analysis and relationship with Late Pleistocene paleoclimate
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015-01)
The upper cliff of the Santa Cruz River was used to assess the proglacial environments of the Argentino Glacier outlet of Late Pleistocene age. These cliffs show glaciolacustrine, fluvioglacial and till deposits, where ...
First spatio-temporal study of macroinvertebrates in the Santa Cruz River: a large glacial river about to be dammed without a comprehensive pre-impoundment study
(Springer, 2017-01)
The Santa Cruz River is the last free flowing river in Patagonia Argentina. Two dams are projected and no pre-impoundment study has been undertaken. The present research studies macroinvertebrate communities along three ...