Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1201
Ordovician (Floian-lower Darriwilian) conodont biofacies of the San Juan Formation in the Cerro Viejo of Huaco, Argentine Precordillera
(Elsevier Science, 2019-12)
The conodont biofacies from the San Juan Formation at the Cerro Viejo of Huaco, Central Precordillera of Argentina, are analyzed for the identification of faunal dynamics and sea-level changes. The Prioniodus elegans and ...
Conodontes foianos de la Formación San Juan en la quebrada de Talacasto, Precordillera de San JuanFloian conodonts from the San Juan Formation in the Talacasto creek, San Juan Precordillera
(Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica, 2013-01)
En la presente contribución se dan a conocer por primera vez los géneros y especies de conodontes foianos de la Formación San Juan, provenientes de la clásica localidad de la quebrada de Talacasto. Se reconocen las zonas ...
Brechas intraclásticas (tsunamitas?) en el tope de la Formación San Juan (Darriwiliano), Precordillera de San Juan, Argentina: Microfacies y ConodontesIntraclastic breccias (tsunamites) on the top of San Juan Formation (Darriwilian), San Juan Precordillera, Argentina: Microfacies and Conodonts
(Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica, 2011-07)
Se describen por primera vez niveles de brechas intraclásticas en el último metro de la Formación San Juan, Precordillera Central (San Juan-Argentina). Las características microfaciales, relaciones litofaciales y las ...
Conodont biostratigraphy from the upper San Juan Formation (Middle Ordovician) at Niquivil, Argentine Precordillera
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2018-07)
The present work deals with the conodont biostratigraphy from the upper San Juan Formation in the section of Niquivil, Central Precodillera of San Juan, Argentina. We study the upper 129.45 m of the San Juan Formation, ...
A fossil ceratophryid anuran from the Late Miocene of west-central Argentina
(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e.V, 2016-06)
Remains of a Miocene anuran referable to Ceratophryidae, the clade of South American horned frogs, are described. This material is especially relevant because few pre-Pliocene fossils have been ascribed to Ceratophryidae ...
The palynology of the La Deheza Formation (Carboniferous–Permian; Upper Palaeozoic), Paganzo Basin, San Juan Province, Argentina
(American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation, 2016-05)
We present the first palynological study of the La Deheza Formation in Paganzo Basin, San Juan Province, Argentina. A total of 18 samples were studied and 116 palynomorph species were recorded. A multivariate statistical ...
Depositional age and provenance in the San Luis Formation, Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina: Evidence from detrital zircon studies
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
The San Luis Formation is one of the lithostratigraphic units constituting the early Paleozoic crystalline basement of the Sierras de San Luis, which are part of the Sierras Pampeanas of central Argentina. The low-grade ...