Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 148
Water economy of three Cinclodes (Furnariidae) species inhabiting marine and freshwater ecosystems
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2004)
Waterbirds and human-related threats to their conservation in Laguna Cuyutlán, Colima, México
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2009)
Yield and development of tomato crop using different water managements and water qualityProdução e desenvolvimento da cultura do tomate submetida a diferentes estratégias de irrigação e qualidade da água
Incorrect irrigation management is one of the main factors of degradation in soil and low yield of crop. The experiment aimed at investigating the interaction between water deficit and salt stress on tomato’s growth. The ...
Benthic estuarine communities in brazil: moving forward to long term studies to assess climate change impacts
(Soc Brasileira Pneumologia Tisiologia, 2016)
Estuaries are unique coastal ecosystems that sustain and provide essential ecological services for mankind. Estuarine ecosystems include a variety of habitats with their own sediment-fauna dynamics, all of them globally ...
Hidrogeoquímica de las aguas minerales
(Editora Geotech, 2004)
El agua en la Tierra aparece en muchas formas diferentes: vapor de agua en la atmósfera, agua de lluvia y de nieve en las precipitaciones, agua salada en los océanos, marismas y aguas profundas, agua dulce en ríos, lagos ...
Seasonal changes in the use of marine food resources by Cinclodes nigrofumosus (furnariidae, aves): carbon isotopes and osmoregulatory physiology
Passerines lack functional salt glands and to a large extent avoid feeding on marine invertebrates. An exception is Cinclodes nigrofulnosits. Previous studies reported that the contents of its gastrointestinal tract had a ...
Effects of salinity on three mandarin cultivars grafted on two different rootstocks
(Universidad Nacional Agraria La MolinaPE, 2022-08-30)
Citrus, one of the most important fruit crops in the world and also they are sensitive to salt stress. The negative effects of stresses often lead to reductions in fruit yield and quality. To assess the effects of salinity ...
Osmoregulation and adaptive radiation in the ovenbird genus Cinclodes (Passeriformes : Furnariidae)
(BLACKWELL, 2006-10)
1. The genus Cinclodes is unique among passerines because it includes two species that can be considered marine/coastal and also includes several species that inhabit freshwater streams or that shift habitats between ...
Hydrogeochemistry and cationic exchange processes in the coastal aquifer of Mar del Plata, Argentina.
(Springer Verlag Berlín, 2002-04)
El acuífero de Mar del Plata es un acuífero libre, formado por sedimentos limosos o arenosos finos.La fracción arena se compone de plagioclasas, cuarzo, feldespato potásico, calcedonia y yeso. En la fracción limo (40–60%) ...