Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 32
Germination responses of lycium humile, an extreme halophytic Solanaceae: Understanding its distribution in saline mudflats of the southern puna
(Sociedade Botanica do Brasil, 2020-07)
Although knowledge about halophytic Solanaceae is scarce, it is known that several species within genus Lycium tolerate salinity. Lycium humile grows in highly saline soils in mudflats near saline Andean lakes. This study ...
Phenotypic flexibility in response to environmental salinity in the euryhaline crab Neohelice granulata from the mudflat and the saltmarsh of a SW coastal lagoon
(Springer, 2013-05)
This study constitutes a first attempt to investigate intraspecific differences in osmoregulatory capacity and digestive and metabolic responses at the biochemical level in relation to hyper- and hypo-regulation in a single ...
Historia evolutiva paleoambiental del depocentro del salar de Pozuelos (Puna austral)Paleoenvironmental evolutionary history of the depocenter of the salar de Pozuelos (southern Puna).
(INSUGEO, 2018-12)
Este trabajo presenta la historia evolutiva paleoambiental del depocentro del salar de Pozuelos (Puna Austral, Salta. Argentina). El salar, en base al análisis de datos de subsuelo consta de dos rellenos diferentes separadas ...
Coastal Environments in the Bahía Blanca Estuary, Argentina
(Springer, 2016)
The Bahía Blanca Estuary is a coastal system placed in a sharp transition betweenhumid subtropical and semiarid climates, shaped by a unique combination oflarge interanual climatic variations and a transgressive sea level ...
Effects of metal contamination in situ on osmoregulation and oxygen consumption in the mudflat fiddler crab Uca rapax (Ocypodidae, Brachyura)
(Elsevier B.V., 2016-07-01)
The contamination of estuaries by metals can impose additional stresses on estuarine species, which may exhibit a limited capability to adjust their regulatory processes and maintain physiological homeostasis. The mudflat ...
El registro sedimentario Pleistoceno tardío-Holoceno de la Salina de Ambargasta (Argentina central): una aproximación paleolimnológica
(Centro Geociencias Unam, 2013-04)
Salina de Ambargasta is a playa system located at the middle latitude of Argentina (29°S; 64°W). Two sedimentary cores retrieved at the eastern border (AB-1) and the central area of the salina (AB-2) were studied using a ...
Temperate Coastal Wetlands: Morphology, Sediment Processes, and Plant Communities
(Elsevier, 2018)
Temperate coastal wetlands include a large variety of environments, from tidal flats and salt marshes to nontidal wetlands at the landward edge, whose hydrology is still influenced by sea level. Salt marsh evolution and ...
Permo-triássico da Bacia do Parnaíba, Norte do Brasil: implicações paleoambientais, paleoclimáticas e paleogeográficas para o Pangea ocidental
(Universidade Federal do ParáBrasilInstituto de GeociênciasUFPAPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Geologia e Geoquímica, 2017)
Paleoenvironmental reconstitution of Motuca and Sambaíba formations, Permian-Triassic of the Parnaíba Basin in southwest Maranhão state, BrazilReconstituição paleoambiental das formações Motuca e Sambaíba, Permo-Triássico da Bacia do Parnaíba no sudoeste do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil
(Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências, 2013)