Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 60
Oligomerization of the cysteinyl-rich oligopeptidase EP24.15 is triggered by S-glutathionylation
Thimet oligopeptidase (EC; EP24.15) is a thiol-rich metallopeptidase ubiquitously distributed in mammalian tissues and involved in oligopeptide metabolism both within and outside cells. Fifteen Cys residues are ...
20S proteasome activity is modified via S-glutathionylation based on intracellular redox status of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Implications for the degradation of oxidized proteins
(Elsevier B.V., 2014-09-01)
Protein S-glutathionylation is a post-translational modification that controls many cellular pathways. Recently, we demonstrated that the alpha 5-subunit of the 20S proteasome is S-glutathionylated in yeast cells grown to ...
20S proteasome activity is modified via S-glutathionylation based on intracellular redox status of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Implications for the degradation of oxidized proteins
(Elsevier Inc.Maryland Heights, 2014-05-09)
Protein S-glutathionylation is a post-translational modification that controls many cellular pathways. Recently, we demonstrated that the α5-subunit of the 20S proteasome is S-glutathionylated in yeast cells grown to the ...
Role of glutaredoxin 2 and cytosolic thioredoxins in cysteinyl-based redox modification of the 20S proteasome
The yeast 20S proteasome is subject to sulfhydryl redox alterations, such as the oxidation of cysteine residues (Cys-SH) into cysteine sulfenic acid (Cys-SOH), followed by S-glutathionylation (Cys-S-SG). Proteasome ...
Redox regulation of the proteasome via S-glutathionylation
(ElsevierAmsterdam, 2014-12-14)
The proteasome is a multimeric and multicatalytic intracellular protease responsible for the degradation of proteins involved in cell cycle control, various signaling processes, antigen presentation, and control of protein ...
Redox regulation of RyR-mediated Ca2+ release in muscle and neurons
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2004)
Tachycardia increases NADPH oxidase activity and RyR2 S-glutathionylation in ventricular muscle
We have shown previously that electrically induced tachycardia effectively produces myocardial preconditioning. Among other effects, tachycardia increases calcium release rates in microsomal fractions enriched in sarcoplasmic ...
When bad guys become good ones: the key role of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide in the plant responses to abiotic stress
(Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017)