Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 58261
On moment-type estimators for a class of log-symmetric distributions
(Computacional Statistics, 2022)
Robust and efficient estimation of multivariate scatter and location
(Elsevier Science, 2017-05)
Several equivariant estimators of multivariate location and scatter are studied, which are highly robust, have a controllable finite-sample efficiency and are computationally feasible in large dimensions. The most frequently ...
Estimating large complex projects
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Departamento de Ingeniería y Gestión de la Construcción, 2007)
Adaptive arrival cost update for improving Moving Horizon Estimation performance
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2017-05)
Moving horizon estimation is an efficient technique to estimate states and parameters of constrained dynamical systems. It relies on the solution of a finite horizon optimization problem to compute the estimates, providing ...
A class of improved heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimators
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 2002-09-05)
The heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator proposed by White (1980), also known as HC0, is commonly used in practical applications and is implemented into a number of statistical software. Cribari–Neto, ...
Genetic parameters estimates for milk, fat and protein yield analyzed by test day models for Murrah buffaloes in Brazil
The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for testday milk, fat and protein yields, in Murrah buffaloes. In this study 4,757 complete lactations of Murrah buffaloes were analyzed. The (co) variance ...
Robust estimation for vector autoregressive models
(Elsevier Science, 2013-09)
A new class of robust estimators for VAR models is introduced. These estimators are an extension to the multivariate case of the MM-estimators based on a bounded innovation propagation AR model. They have a filtering ...
Genetic parameters estimates for milk, fat and protein yield analyzed by test day models for Murrah buffaloes in Brazil
(Pagepress Publ, 2007-01-01)
The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for test-day milk, fat and protein yields, in Murrah buffaloes. In this study 4,757 complete lactations of Murrah buffaloes were analyzed. The (co) variance ...
Genetic parameters estimates for milk, fat and protein yield analyzed by test day models for Murrah buffaloes in Brazil
(Pagepress Publ, 2007-01-01)
The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for test-day milk, fat and protein yields, in Murrah buffaloes. In this study 4,757 complete lactations of Murrah buffaloes were analyzed. The (co) variance ...
Priority statement and some properties of t-lgHill estimator
(Springer, 2020)
We acknowledge the priority on the introduction of the formula of t-lgHill estimator for the positive extreme value index. We provide a novel motivation for this estimator based on ecologically driven dynamical systems. ...