Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4106
Sedimentation rates in the Corumbataí River basin, Brazil, derived from 210Pb measurements
Activity profiles of excess 210Pb measured in four sediment cores from the Corumbataí River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, provided an opportunity to evaluate sedimentation rates that are helpful for defining appropriate ...
Sedimentation rates in the Corumbataí River basin, Brazil, derived from 210Pb measurements
Activity profiles of excess 210Pb measured in four sediment cores from the Corumbataí River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, provided an opportunity to evaluate sedimentation rates that are helpful for defining appropriate ...
Grupo itararé (P - C da bacia do Paraná) nas regiões de Limeira e Piracicaba - SP: Contribuição ao estudo das litofácies
The Permian-Carboniferous Itararé Group is one complexe lithostratigraphic unit of the Paraná Basin, southeastern Brazil, typically marked by discontinuity of its lithofacies. Under the exploratory point of view, the unit ...
Grupo itararé (P - C da bacia do Paraná) nas regiões de Limeira e Piracicaba - SP: Contribuição ao estudo das litofácies
The Permian-Carboniferous Itararé Group is one complexe lithostratigraphic unit of the Paraná Basin, southeastern Brazil, typically marked by discontinuity of its lithofacies. Under the exploratory point of view, the unit ...
Metacryphaeus Tuberculatus and Metacryphaeus australis (Trilobita, Phacopida) from the devonian of the paraná basin: Taxonomy and paleobiogeography
Calmoniid trilobites of the genus Metacryphaeus Reed include M. tuberculatus (Kozlowski), M. kegeli Carvalho, Edgecombe and Lieberman, M. meloi Carvalho, Edgecombe and Lieberman, M. rotundatus (Kozlowski), M. giganteus ...
(Univ Federal Mato Grosso, 2021-06-01)
The supervision is an essential instrument to the implementation of national and state water resources policies. The aim of the present study was to comprehend the way how it is performed in the Sao Paulo state. To the ...
Variaveis da ocupacao do solo e analise multivariada
Photointerpretative and multivariate statistical techniques were applied to variants of soil use measured in 4 hydrological basins of third order ramification, belonging to Tiete basin municipal district of Botucatu, Sao ...
First occurrence of bryophytes in the São Paulo Basin, CenozoicPrimeira ocorrência de briófitas na Bacia de São Paulo (Cenozóico)
(Instituto Geológico, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, São Paulo, 2002)
Delimitação do Embasamento da Bacia de Taubat
The aim of this study is to define the basement map of the Taubaté Basin applying geostatistics to seismic, gravimetric and deep wells data. The study consisted of the interpretation of eleven seismic sections obtained in ...