Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 587
Discovery of Meaningful Rules by using DTW based on Cubic Spline Interpolation
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2020)
Ruling the waves: cycles of discovery, chaos, and wealth from the compass to the internetRuling the waves: cycles of discovery, chaos, and wealth from the compass to the internet
(RAE - Revista de Administracao de EmpresasRAE - Revista de Administração de EmpresasRAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, 2002)
A user-driven association rule mining based on templates for multi-relational data
Data mining algorithms to find association rules are an important tool to extract knowledge from databases. However, these algorithms produce an enormous amount of rules, many of which could be redundant or irrelevant for ...
The limitation of the discovery rules of Court against the right of access to information in South AfricaA limitação do direito ao acesso à informação pelas regras de pré-julgamento (discovery) na África do Sul
(Escola de Direito de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2018)
Clustering based on rules and Knowledge Discovery in ill-structured domains
(Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 1 No. 4, 1998-06-10)
Abstract. It is clear that nowadays analysis of complex systems is an important handicap for either Statistics) Artificial
Intelligence, Information Systems, Data visualization,Describing the structure or obtaining knowledge ...
Estudio de pertinencia de algoritmos en procesos de descubrimiento de reglas de pertenencia a grupos
(Escuela de Posgrado - Facultad Regional Buenos Aires, 2019)
Automatic identification of knowledge related to dengue cases in the state of Piauí in public databases using Filtered-Association Rules Networks
(Instituto de Informática - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2020)