Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3998
Rules Have to
This material will help you to identify and
express “rules”. We use “Have to” to follow
rules in specific places or situations such as
museums, schools, entertainment places, etc.
Modelling The Mssg In Terms Of Cellular Automata
(Springer Int Publishing AGCham, 2016)
ECA rule analysis in a Distributed Active Database
Active database systems integrate event-based rule
processing with traditional database functionality. The model
most widely used to represent event-based rules is the Event-
Condition-Action rule (ECA rule) model. However, ...
Liability Rules: An Economic TaxonomyReglas de responsabilidad: Una taxonomía económica
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015)
The Cramer’s rule for the parametrization of phenol and its hydroxylated byproducts: UV spectroscopy vs. high performance liquid chromatography
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2020-10-02)
A linear algebra theorem like Cramer’s rule was used for the analysis of a system of equations obtained from UV spectroscopy, and results were compared against those obtained from HPLC analysis. This parametrization allowed ...
Business judgment rule: a (im)prestabilibidade do conceito de culpa para responsabilização dos administradores de sociedades anônimas por ato regular de gestão
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2020-11-30)
Petri net reduction rules through incidence matrix operations
A Petri net (PN) is a powerful tool that has been used to
model and analyze discrete event systems. Such
systems can be concurrent, asynchronous, distributed,
parallel, non-deterministic, and/or stochastic. A problem
in ...
Objective Measures Ensemble in Associative Classifiers
(Scitepress, 2020-01-01)
Associative classifiers (ACs) are predictive models built based on association rules (ARs). Model construction occurs in steps, one of them aimed at sorting and pruning a set of rules. Regarding ordering, usually objective ...
Development of a clinical prediction rule for the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis in Peru
(Elsevier B.V., 2018-04)
Objectives: To develop a clinical prediction rule (CPR) for the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis (PT) in patients with pleural exudates in Peru. Methods: Clinical and laboratory information was collected from patients ...