Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1198
THE ARGUMENTATION OF VEJA AND CARTACAPITAL ABOUT DILMA ROUSSEFF’S IMPEACHMENTA argumentação de Veja e CartaCapital sobre o Impeachment de Dilma Rousseff
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022)
Brazilian military policy during Dilma Rousseff's government: Discourse and practiceA política militar brasileira no governo Dilma Rousseff: O discurso e a ação
This paper aims to analyze the operationalization of the Brazilian Armed Forces toward accomplishing its constitutional missions during Dilma Rousseff's government. Our sources include government speeches during the ...
Divided Brazil awaits Rousseff after poll win
In her victory speech, President Dilma Rousseff said she did not believe the nation’s closest election in a generation had divided Brazil. But she only needed to go online to see the civil war raging on social media to see ...