Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 589
Comparison of cyclic fatigue and torsional resistance in reciprocating single-file systems and continuous rotary instrumentation systems
(Nihon Univ, School Dentistry, 2014-12-01)
As compared with continuous rotary systems, reciprocating motion is believed to increase the fatigue resistance of NiTi instruments. We compared the cyclic fatigue and torsional resistance of reciprocating single-file ...
Effect of Rotary Instrument Associated with Different Irrigation Techniques on Removing Calcium Hydroxide Dressing
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2014-08-01)
Calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)(2)] residues in root canals may compromise sealing of filling and endodontic treatment success. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of using rotary instrument associated with ...
Canal transportation and centring ability of RaCe rotary instruments
Evaluate, through computerized tomography, canal transportation and centring ability of RaCe rotary instruments after preparation of mesiobuccal root canals in maxillary molar teeth. Twenty-seven teeth were submitted to ...
Comparative analysis of three rotary instruments used for coronal pre-enlargement in radicular dentin thickness and root canal area of mandibular molars
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the increase of the cervical area and dentin thickness in mesial and distal walls of the mesial canals from mandibular molars after the use of LA Axxess (LA), CP Drill ...
A quantitative analysis of rotary, ultrasonic and manual techniques to treat proximally flattened root canals
(Univ Sao Paulo Fac Odontologia Bauru, 2007-03-01)
Objective: The efficiency of rotary, manual and ultrasonic root canal instrumentation techniques was investigated in proximally flattened root canals. Material and Methods: Forty human mandibular left and right central ...
Flexibility and Torsional Strength of ProTaper and ProTaper Universal Rotary Instruments Assessed by Mechanical Tests
(Elsevier B.V., 2009-01-01)
The purpose of this study was to assess how the geometric and dimensional changes made on ProTaper Universal (PTU) instruments in comparison with ProTaper (PT) instruments affected their flexibility and torsional strength. ...
Flexibility and Torsional Strength of ProTaper and ProTaper Universal Rotary Instruments Assessed by Mechanical Tests
(Elsevier B.V., 2009-01-01)
The purpose of this study was to assess how the geometric and dimensional changes made on ProTaper Universal (PTU) instruments in comparison with ProTaper (PT) instruments affected their flexibility and torsional strength. ...
Effect of Nitrogen Ion Implantation on the Flexibility of Rotary Nickel-Titanium Instruments
Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of nitrogen ion implantation on the flexibility of rotary nickel-titanium (NiTi) instruments as measured by the load required to bend implanted and nonimplanted ...
Root canal retreatment using reciprocating and continuous rotary nickel-titanium instruments
Objective: The complete filling material removal during endodontic retreatment is a clinical procedure difficult to achieve. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of reciprocating and continuous rotary ...