Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 84
Stabilization of bed Inclination angle in rotary drums by using computer vision
(American Chemical Society, 2019)
Escoamentos pulsantes com superfície livre: caracterização e sua ação em fundo de canais
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-07-30)
No contexto de Desastres "Naturais", as corridas de lama têm sido objeto de estudo devido ao seu poder erosivo e, muitas vezes, destrutivo, acarretando perdas materiais vultosas e ceifando vidas. Nestes escoamentos, quando ...
Equipment for reforestation and timber stand improvement
(MEDC'80, 2018)
Rolling Walls
Large-Scale Bleaching of Red Beds Related To Upward Migration of Hydrocarbons: Los Chihuidos High, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
(Society for Sedimentary Geology, 2014-05)
The striking arrangement of colorful facies in the sandstones outcrops of the Los Chihuidos high, Argentina, has been attributed to the surface expression of hydrocarbon-induced alteration. The Huincul Formation (late ...
Dynamic Scheduling of Multiproduct Pipelines with Multiple Delivery Due Dates
(Elsevier, 2008-12)
Scheduling product batches in pipelines is a very complex task with many constraints to be considered. Several papers have been published on the subject during the last decade. Most of them are based on large-size MILP ...
Listric normal fault profiles: calculation using bed-length balance and fault displacement
(Journal of Structural Geology, 1986)
A bed-length balance technique is presented to calculate listric normal fault trajectories using
roll-over geometry and fault displacements. The technique can also be applied to subsidiary tistric normal fault
fans above ...
Metodologia para simulação e escalonamento de prensas de rolos
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2012-05-17)
High pressure grinding rolls became suitable for hard rock grinding applications due to the development of roll liners capable of lasting through enough operating hours. Consequently HPGR technology has become part a number ...
Caracterización morfoagronómica del germoplasma cubano de papa (Solanum ssp). Evaluación de las especies silvestres. Parte I
En el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas, durante las campañas 2002-2003, 2003-2004 y 2004-2005, se estudiaron 63 especies silvestres del germoplasma cubano de papa. Se realizó una caracterización morfoagronómica de ...