Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 13
Influence of background size, luminance and eccentricity on different adaptation mechanisms
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2016-08)
Mechanisms of light adaptation have been traditionally explained with reference to psychophysical experimentation. However, the neural substrata involved in those mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Our study analyzed links ...
Luminance and chromatic signals interact differently with melanopsin activation to control the pupil light response
(Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2016-08)
Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) express the photopigment melanopsin. These cells receive afferent inputs from rods and cones, which provide inputs to the postreceptoral visual pathways. It is ...
Memoria a través de difusión: Reproducibilidad en tiempos de respuesta a fotones individuales
(Universidad de los AndesMaestría en Ciencias - FísicaFacultad de CienciasDepartamento de Física, 2022-05-28)
Design and develop a simulation to describe the diffusion of molecules in the membrane of retinal rod cells, including simulating events in the cytoplasm, which describes the on/off process of the system. The fact that the ...
Horizontal cells expressing melanopsin x are novel photoreceptors in the avian inner retina
(National Academy of Sciences, 2016-11)
In the vertebrate retina, three types of photoreceptors - visual photoreceptor cones and rods and the intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) - converged through evolution to detect light and regulate ...
Illuminating the inner retina of vertebrates: Nonvisual photopigments with novel functions
(Centro de Estudios sobre Ciencia, Desarrollo y Educacion Superior, 2020-12)
Throughout evolution, the need to detect light has generated highly specialized photoreceptor cells that in vertebrates are mainly located in the retina. The most studied photodetectors within these cells are the visual ...
Evaluación de la distribución espectral del iluminante en la visión funcional mesópicaEvaluation of the spectral power distribution of the Illuminant in mesopic functional vision
(Asociación Física Argentina, 2018-09)
La respuesta visual en el mesópico depende fuertemente no solo del nivel de luminancia sino también del peso relativo de la respuesta del sistema de conos y bastones. Esto resalta la importancia de conocer la composición ...
Efeito do comprimento de onda e da intensidade da luz sobre o ritmo circadiano de atividade motora em saguis (Callithrix jacchus)
Circadian entrainment depends on a complex interaction between light information and
photoreceptor cells. The neurobehavioral circadian light effects are mediated primarily by
retinal ganglion cells. Rods and cones operate ...