Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 74
Late jurassic bimodal magmatism in the northern sea-floor remnant of the rocas verdes basin, southern patagonian andes
Crust-mantle interactions and generation of silicic melts: insights from the Sarmiento Complex, southern Patagonian Andes
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), 2007)
The closure of the Rocas Verdes Basin and early tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Magallanes Fold-and-Thrust Belt, southern Patagonian Andes (52–54°S)
(Elsevier Science, 2021-01)
The Western Domain of the Magallanes Fold-and-Thrust Belt (MFTB) between 52°-54°S is part of a poorly studied hinterland region of the southernmost Andean Cordillera. This domain consists of NNW-SSE trending tectonic slices ...
Structural and petrographic constraints on the stratigraphy of the Lapataia Formation, with implications for the tectonic evolution of the Fuegian Andes
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2018-07)
The structure of the Fuegian Andes central belt is characterized by a first phase of peak metamorphism and ductile deformation, followed by a brittle-ductile thrusting phase including juxtaposition of different (first ...
Mesozoic - Cenozoic evolution of the Southern Patagonian Andes fold and thrust belt (47°-48°S): Influence of the Rocas Verdes basin inversion and onset of Patagonian glaciations
(Elsevier Science, 2019-08)
The Southern Patagonian Andes (SPA)between 47°?48°S are characterized by relatively high elevations (1500?4000 m)and a 200-km-wide, largely exhumed, basement domain along the backbone of the Cordillera, bounded by a narrow ...
Crust-mantle interactions and generation of silicic melts: insights from the Sarmiento Complex, southern Patagonian Andes
A Late Jurassic seafloor remnant of the Rocas Verdes basin in southern Chile, the Sarmiento Complex (ca. 52 degrees S), bears lithological layers with bimodal meta-igneous rocks appropriate for a comprehensive investigation ...
Magmatic Evolution of the Southernmost Andes and its Relation with Subduction Processes
(Springer, 2015)
The magmatic arc in the SouthernmostAndes is represented by the Fuegian Batholith and satellite plutons, plus minorvolcanic and volca-niclastic sequences. Magmatism was active from the LateJurassic to the Miocene in response ...
Magmatismo básico jurásico-cretácico en los andes fueguinos y su relación con la cuenca marginal rocas verdesJurassic-Cretaceous basic magmatism in the Fuegian Andes and their relationship with the Rocas Verdes marginal basin
(Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2016-03)
Numerosos filones capa, diques y coladas básicas bordean las ofiolitas de la cuenca marginal Rocas Verdes, afectados por metamorfismo regional de bajo grado. Se distinguen tres variedades según su paragénesis primaria: ...
A new U-Pb zircon age determination for the Lemaire Formation of Fuegian Andes, Tierra del Fuego, ArgentinaUna nuova datazione U-Pb sugli zirconi della Formazione Lemaire delle Ande Fuegiane, Terra del Fuego, Argentina
(Societá Geologica Italiana, 2012-10)
Una nuova datazione U-Pb sugli zirconi che provengono da un campione riolitico dall’area delle terme di Rio Valdez permette integrare temporaneamente le rocce vulcaniche delle Andes Fueginos con la evoluzione del bacino ...