Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 492
(Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 1 No. 2, 1997-12-15)
Abstract. We describe an autonomous mobile robot that employs a simple sensorimotor learning algoríthm at three different behavioral
levels to achieve coherent goal-directed behavior. Therobotautonomously navigates to a ...
An approach of social navigation based on proxemics for crowded environments of humans and robots
(MDPISuiza, 2021)
Nowadays, mobile robots are playing an important role in different areas of science, industry, academia and even in everyday life. In this sense, their abilities and behaviours become increasingly complex. In particular, ...
People Detection and Localization in Real Time during Navigation of Autonomous Robots
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)
Currently the navigation involves the interaction of the robot with its environment, this means that the robot has to find the position of obstacles (natural brands and artificial) with respect to its plane. Its environment ...
Simultaneous localization and mapping using an RGB-D camera for autonomous mobile robot navigation
This paper presents the implementation of a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm for autonomous mobile robot navigation. The proposed implementation uses an RGB-D camera to detect the environment and map ...
Vision-based heading angle estimation for an autonomous mobile robots navigation
Autonomous mobile robots navigation and control systems are still hugely important in real time robotic applications. When moving towards fully autonomous navigation, guidance plays a vital task for successful autonomous ...
Autonomous navigation for a differential drive robot in a partially known environment using a depth camera
The present paper explores the implementation of the RRT* path planning algorithm aided with a depth sensor in a physical robot for path planning and re-planning in a partially-known or unknown environment, the robot is ...
Laser Radar Based Autonomous Mobile Robot Guidance System for Olive Groves Navigation
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015-05)
This paper proposes a control strategy for a mobile robot for precision agriculture. The controller allows autonomous navigation through corridors formed by plants or fruit vines and olive trees. Furthermore, a rotation ...
Autonomous object manipulation and transportation using a mobile service robot equipped with an RGB-D and LiDAR sensor
This paper presents the implementation of a mobile service robot with a manipulator and a navigation stack to interact and move through an environment providing a delivery type service. The implementation uses a LiDAR ...
An optical flow-based sensing system for reactive mobile robot navigation
This work discusses the use of optical flow to generate the sensorial information a mobile robot needs to react to the presence of obstacles when navigating in a non-structured environment. A sensing system based on optical ...