Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3902
Automatic extraction of road seeds from high-resolution aerial images
This article presents an automatic methodology for extraction of road seeds from high-resolution aerial images. The method is based on a set of four road objects and another set of connection rules among road objects. Each ...
Automatic extraction of road seeds from high-resolution aerial images
This article presents an automatic methodology for extraction of road seeds from high-resolution aerial images. The method is based on a set of four road objects and another set of connection rules among road objects. Each ...
Transportation study for the Port of Spain land use plan 1985 to 1995
(Town and Country planning Division, 2011-09-06)
Describes the transportation system in Trinidad in the 1980s, the development of travel demand models, an assessment of Port of Spain's transportation land use, and the appropriate land use strategy for the city's ...
Evaluation of a mechanism for urban road maintenance by level of service
The agency responsible for constructing and maintaining urban roads in Chile has initiated a pilot programme under which responsibility for the maintenance and preservation of urban roads falls within the scope of the ...
Automated extraction of road network from medium-and high-resolution images
This paper presents an automatic methodology for road network extraction from medium-and high-resolution aerial images. It is based on two steps. In the first step, the road seeds (i.e., road segments) are extracted using ...
Automated extraction of road network from medium-and high-resolution images
This paper presents an automatic methodology for road network extraction from medium-and high-resolution aerial images. It is based on two steps. In the first step, the road seeds (i.e., road segments) are extracted using ...
Estudo de caso: análise dos trechos rodoviários entre Maringá - PR e Campo Mourão - PR, interpretando trechos com maior número de acidentes e possíveis intervenções
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo MouraoBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de Construção CivilEngenharia CivilUTFPR, 2017-12-05)
Brazil is the country with the highest number of road traffic deaths by inhabitant in South America, been the state of Paraná, the 60 in the national ranking of road traffic deaths. However, been between the most populous ...
Sub-Proyecto de Desarrollo Vial. Sub-Proyecto de unidades asociativas de balneación para el control de la garrapata
Este documento posee información sobre el Sub-Proyecto vial, el cual consiste en el mejoramiento de la región noreste de Uruguay. El cual pretende actuar sobre la cominería a través dela ejecución de un conjunto de obras ...
Avaliação da remoção de sedimentos pela operação de nivelamento de estradas florestais
The forest roads construction inevitably causes environmental impacts to adjacent ecosystems and streams. Also the routine activities of roads maintenance may similarly cause environmental impacts of about the same magnitude. ...