Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5995
Business risk mapping for application of sharing logistic in small medium enterprises
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Heterogeneity and the formation of risk - sharing coalitions
(Universidad del RosarioFacultad de Economía, 2013)
We offer a new explanation of partial risk sharing based on coalition formation and segmentation of society in a risky environment, without assuming limited commitment and imperfect information. Heterogenous individuals ...
Risk sharing and the household collective model
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 2003-10-01)
When the joint assumption of optimal risk sharing and coincidence of beliefs is added to the collective model of Browning and Chiappori (1998) income pooling and symmetry of the pseudo-Hicksian matrix are shown to be ...
Who should bear the risk of economic growth?
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 2020)
How is aggregate risks optimally shared between workers and retirees? We break this question in two parts. First, how ought risk to be shared between two groups of agents: one which must be provided incentives to make ...
Identificaçãodo “Risk Sharing” no passivo atuarial das empresas patrocinadoras de planos de aposentadoria e pensão
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFACE - FACULDADE DE CIENCIAS ECONOMICASCurso de Especialização em Contabilidade em Ifrs e ControladoriaUFMG, 2017-10-19)
In order to meet the Participant's contribution parity or responsibility for the costing of retirement plan deficits in Complementary Pension Plans, the Risk Sharing concept was introduced by paragraph 87 (d) of Technical ...
A note on risk-sharing mechanisms for the colombian health insurance system
(Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE, 2017)
We evaluate, in terms of efficiency and selection incentives, four different ex post risk sharing mecha-nisms. Outlier risk sharing (ORS), proportional risk sharing (PRS), risk sharing for high costs (RSHC)and risk sharing ...
World betas, consumption growth, and financial integration
We define a country's beta as the covariance of domestic consumption growth with world consumption growth scaled by the world's variance. Beta is related to a country's risk-taking position in models of international ...
Estimating Risk and Risk Aversion in the Automobile Insurance MarketEstimating Risk and Risk Aversion in the Automobile Insurance Market
(Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria, 2019)
Who should bear the risk of economic growth?
Como os choques agregados são otimamente compartilhados entre trabalhadores e aposentados? Em primeiro lugar, como os riscos são compartilhados entre dois grupos de agentes: um que deve ser incentivado a trabalhar e outros, ...