Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3245
Comparing the legal culture from the perspective of the right to cultural identity in Brazil and Chile
(Centro Universitario de Brasilia, 2020)
This work examines the transformations and conflicts related to the recognition of the cultural identity of indigenous peoples and other vulnerable groups, in the legal cultures of Chile and Brazil. We argue that the ...
Fundamental right to the cultural identity of indigenous peoples: A new paradigm in indigenous criminal defense in Chile in the face of the hegemonic Rule of Law [Derecho fundamental a la identidad cultural de los pueblos indígenas: Un nuevo paradigma en la defensa penal indígena en Chile frente al Estado de Derecho hegemónico]
(Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 2019)
The human right to cultural identity of migrant women – from a gender perspective – and its incorporation in ChileEl Derecho humano a la identidad cultural de las mujeres migrantes-bajo una perspectiva de género-y su incorporación en Chile
(Catholic University of Temuco Faculty of Law Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2024)
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Enviromental, cultural identity and consultation law hermeneutics in light of the case "Lhaka Honhat (nuestra tierra) vs. Argentina (2020)
(Centro Universitario de Brasilia, 2020)
The main objective of this work is to show how, and with what results, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights recognizes, gives content and establishes a series of general standards for the protection of indigenous ...
The Human Right to Gender Identity: From the International Human Rights Scenario to Latin American Domestic Legislation
(Oxford University, 2019-04)
Transgender persons usually undergo significant discrimination all over the world. This is the reason why gender identity has been translated into the language of International Human Rights Law. Thus, the European Court ...
Identity Politics: Anthropological Perspectives on Quilombolas Rights and Racial Quotas
(Ecole Hautes Etudes & Sci Soc, Centre Recherches Bresil Contemp, 2016-01-01)
Proposals to implement targeted policies aimed at combatting the effects of racial discrimination in Brazil have provoked great controversy in Brazilian society. In this debate, the perspectives and contributions of Brazilian ...
Propiedad colectiva e identidad cultural en Pueblo Xucuru con Brasil y en Asociación Lhaka Honhat con Argentina
Pueblo indígena Xucuru y sus miembros con Brasil, y Comunidades indígenas miembros de la Asociación Lhaka Honhat (Nuestra Tierra) con Argentina, son los casos más recientes que la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos ...