Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 859
Recongnizing the limits of the right to counsel as a guarantee of justice
(Escuela de Derecho - Universidad Viña del Mar, 2014)
This paper examines the role of the right to counsel in criminal cases as a structural,
theoretical, and actual guarantee of justice. It compares the scope and history of the
right to counsel in the United States and ...
O dispositivo do aconselhamento na resposta à aids
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2013-01-30)
This paper , presented in the form of four articles , aimed to discuss the practice of counseling on HIV / AIDS held in Counseling and Testing Centers STD / AIDS ( CTA ) . Grounded research , theoretical and methodological ...
Quality, not just quantity: lessons learned from HIV testing in Salvador, Brazil
(Taylor & Francis, 2014)
Studies have demonstrated that an early HIV diagnosis is a critical first step towards continued engagement in care. We examined HIV testing experiences in Salvador, Brazil, to understand how a focus on quality services ...
Trend in Physical Activity Counseling and Cardiometabolic Diseases in Maule, Chile: COVID-19 Pre-Pandemic Study between 2012 and 2019Tendencia de consejerías en actividad física y enfermedades cardiometabólicas en el Maule, Chile: estudio previo a pandemia por COVID-19 entre 2012 y 2019
(Sociedad Medica de Santiago, 2024)
Quality, not just quantity: lessons learned from HIV testing in Salvador, Brazil
(Taylor & Francis, 2014)
La tutela cautelar arbitral
(Universidad de LimaPerú, 2013)
Aconselhamento sobre o teste rápido anti-HIV em parturientesHIV rapid test counseling among parturient
(Associação Brasileira de Pós -Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, 2014)
La carga probatoria dinámica: mecanismo de tutela de derechos
(Editora Perú.Perú, 2018)
La Teoría de carga probatoria dinámica
(Tcpd) parte de una concepción
publicista del proceso, en que el juez
goza de amplias facultades como
director del proceso, rompiendo la
regla sobre la distribución de la carga ...