Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 27122
SOME CONSIDERATIONS ON THE ACTIONS WITH RIGHT TO VETOAlgunas consideraciones con respecto a las acciones con derecho a veto
(Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste - UNNE, 2018)
Affirmative actions in terms of special rights: Confronting structural violence in Brazilian higher education
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2019-07-01)
In this article, the authors interpret affirmative actions with reference to structural violence, which is accompanied by legitimizing discourses that tend to make discrimination appear natural and unquestionable. They ...
Diffused Rights in Mexico. A View from the Comparative LawLos derechos difusos en México. Una mirada desde el Derecho Comparado
(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2018)
From the Right of Action to the Effective Jurisdictional Protection of the RightsDel Derecho de Acción a la efectiva Tutela Jurisdiccional de los Derechos
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014)
Ageing in the Caribbean and the human rights of older persons: Twin imperatives for action
(ECLAC, 2016-01)
This study addresses the ageing of the Caribbean population and the situation with respect to the human rights of older persons. It considers the implications for public policy of these ‘twin imperatives for action’. The ...
La acción popular y la acción de tutela como salvaguarda del medioambiente colombiano
(Ediciones Universidad Simón BolívarFacultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, 2022)
Con la entrada en vigencia de la constitución política de 1991, fueron muchos los cambios establecidos en materia protección de derechos constitucionales, es así como se establecen en el marco del estado social de derecho, ...
The action for declaratory judgment and its recognition under the chilean civil procedure system La tutela meramente declarativa o de mera certeza y su reconocimiento en el sistema procesal civil chileno
(Universidad de Talca, 2019)
This article delves into the origin and essentials features of what has been denominated declaratory judgement or action for declaratory judgment as a critical function of the judicial authority held by the court in order ...