Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5438
Effects of landscape modification on species richness patterns of fruit-feeding butterflies in Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Aim: To assess the distributional patterns of fruit-feeding butterfly species richness in Atlantic Forest (AF) based on stack species distribution models (SSDM); to evaluate the relative contribution of climate and landscape ...
Macroecological patterns of estuarine nematodes
(Berlin, 2014)
In the present study, we test whether large-scale patterns of estuarine nematodes are predicted by the “everything is everywhere” (EiE) hypothesis or by the moderate
endemicity hypothesis (MEH). Specifically, we tested ...
Determinants of biodiversity in subtropical shallow lakes (Atlantic coast, Uruguay)
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2009-12)
SUMMARY 1. Shallow lakes and ponds contribute disproportionally to species richness relative to other aquatic ecosystems. In-lake conditions (e.g. presence of submerged plants) seem to play a key role in determining ...
Relationship between climate and geographical variation of local woody species richness within the Mediterranean-type region of Chile
Latitudinal and altitudinal patterns of plant species richness have frequently been related to different climate variables such as precipitation, ...
Floristic diversity, richness and distribution of Trentepohliales (Chlorophyta) in Neotropical ecosystems
Trentepohliales is one of the most diverse and abundant algal group of the terrestrial microflora in tropical regions; however, information about composition, richness and distribution of these algae in Neotropical regions ...
Latitudinal richness and distribution patterns in caviomorph rodents
It has been suggested for some taxa from the northern hemisphere, that body size and geographic range width, decrease from the poles to the Ecuador, where species richness increases. In this paper, the existence of latitudinal ...
Latitudinal diversity patterns of chilean coastal fishes: searching for causal processes
Several particular aspects of diversity patterns of Chilean littoral fishes are still poorly understood, and existing studies within this scope are ...
Biogeography of Chilean herpetofauna: Distributional patterns of species richness and endemism
We analyze the geographic distribution pattern of Chilean amphibian and reptile species between 18°20′S (Arica) to 56°S (Magellanic Area) by the identification of centers of higher richness and endemism and we infer the ...