Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 23
Miocene to Recent collapse calderas of the southern and central volcanic zones of the Andes and their tectonic constraints
(Springer, 2021-01-30)
Central (18–28° S) and Southern (33–46° S) Andean Volcanic Zones (CVZ and SVZ, respectively) have several Miocene to Recent collapse calderas. We compare their characteristics based on published data to identify how the ...
Discovery of a large resurgent caldera at Incahuasi, southern Ayacucho Province, Peru
(Sociedad Geológica del Perú - SGPPE, 2016)
The Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ) of the Andes is well known for its intense silicic volcanism, with emplacement of large-volume plinian fall deposits and ignimbrites in Cenozoic to Quaternary times (de Silva and Francis, ...
Reconciling the location of lava domes and eruption centers in Paleocene-Eocene calderas in northern Chile
In the Atacama Desert, at the Precordillera of northern Chile, a series of Paleocene-Eocene caldera deposits and ring-faults are exceptionally well-preserved1. Here we aim to build on previous mapping efforts to consider ...
The Incahuasi resurgent caldera (Ayacucho Province, Peru), a site of high-magnitude explosive eruptions in Miocene times
(8th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG)EC, 2019-09)
In this work we document a large Miocene resurgent caldera located south of the Ayacucho province (area between the cities of Coracora, Jaqui and Pauza), where geothermal-epithermal economic potentials might exist, and ...
New insights into La Pacana caldera inner structure based on a gravimetric study (central Andes, Chile)
(Servicio Nacional Geología Minerva, 2015)
La Pacana (central Andes, Northern Chile) is one of the largest resurgent calderas in the world, formed 4 Ma ago during an eruption with a VEI of 8.7. We undertake a gravimetric study to contribute new insights into the ...
Caracterización geológica y petrológica de la estructura circular mezquital (Estado de Hidalgo) y su posible riesgo geológico
A partir del análisis de la cartografía geológica, de la geomorfología y la
geofísica (magnetometría aérea), aunado al estudio petrográfico y geoquímico
de roca total de lavas andesíticas y basálticas aflorantes en el ...
Dynamics of caldera collapse during the Coranzulí eruption (6.6 Ma) (Central Andes, Argentina)
(Elsevier Science, 2019-04)
The Coranzulí caldera (23°00′ S ? 66°15′ W) is one of the least known caldera complexes in the eastern part of the Argentinian Altiplano-Puna plateau (Central Andes). It lies at the intersection of N S, NW-SE and NE-SW ...
Dynamics of episodic magma injection and migration at yellowstone caldera: revisiting the 2004-2009 episode of caldera uplift with InSAR and GPS data
(AMER Geophysical Union, 2021)
The 2004-2009 caldera uplift is the largest instrumentally recorded episode of unrest at Yellowstone caldera. We use GPS and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) time series spanning 2004-2015, with a focus in ...
Modelo análogo de tipo caja de arena aplicando a la estructura semicircular de Santa María Amajac, Edo. de Hidalgo
(Silis Esquivel, Jhoanna, 2017-09-28)
En las últimas décadas, ha sido de gran interés el estudio de las calderas volcánicas
por sus implicaciones en riesgo geológico, la formación de yacimientos de
minerales rentables, actividad termal (explotada en plantas ...
Análisis morfométrico y Geomorfológico de la Caldera de Paletará (Cauca), Colombia
Se realizó el análisis de parámetros morfométricos y de las características geomorfológicas de la Caldera de Paletará (CP), que incluye la Cadena Volcánica de Los Coconucos y otros rasgos volcánicos importantes. Usando ...