Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1262
How strong are strong ties? The Conditional Effectiveness of Strong Ties in Protest Recruitment Attempts
Why do some individuals accept invitations to participate in protest events while others do not? Using the Citizen Participation Study, the author finds that targets invited by recruiters to whom they are strongly tied are ...
Correlation of actor bonds, activity links, and resources ties on enterprizes competitiveness
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
Are networks important in order to secure a firm’s strategy? – A literature reviewAre networks important in order to secure a firm’s strategy? – A literature review
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017)
Vínculos familiares en adolescentes que transgreden la ley penal
(Psicología, 2018)
Disminución de accidentes con la aplicación de gestión de riesgos críticos en el proyecto exploración minera Hilarion de la Cía Nexa Resources S.A.A 2019
(Universidad Nacional de IngenieríaPE, 2023)
Disminución de accidentes con la aplicación de gestión de riesgos críticos en el proyecto exploración minera Hilarion de la Cía Nexa Resources S.A.A 2019
(Universidad Nacional de IngenieríaPE, 2023)
Exploring the building blocks of social capital in the Sechura Bay (Peru): Insights from Peruvian scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) aquaculture
(Elsevier, 2018)
Social capital has been a key factor for co-management initiatives' success in small-scale fisheries. Nonetheless, this is a complex concept, which can be operationalized in different ways and has no specific standardized ...
Disminución de las operaciones manuales relacionadas con la administración financiera de las TIE´S
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2011)
La utilización de Lean Six Sigma se da gracias a la necesidad de tener procesos menos complejos y más confiables para aumentar la satisfacción del cliente. Por lo anterior, XM Compañía de Expertos en Mercados S.A. E.S.P ...
Does the capital of social capital matter? Relational resources of the board and the performance of Brazilian companies
(Springer New York LLC, 2018)
Based on theories of social capital, in this study, we seek to assess the impact of a board’s social capital on the market value of companies listed on the Brazilian stock exchange. As our indicator of social capital, we ...