Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4578
Zero-energy resonance effects in atomic processes within a plasma environment
(IOP Publishing, 2016-11)
We investigate the emergence of zero-energy resonance effects in atomic processes occurring within a plasma. By applying the final-state interaction theory we uncover the presence of these effects for particular configurations ...
Modulation of frequency preference in heterogeneous populations of theta-resonant neurons
(Pergamon-Elsevier, 2020)
Neurons from several brain regions resonate in the theta frequency range (4-12 Hz), displaying a higher voltage response to oscillatory currents at a preferred 'resonant' frequency (f(R)). Subthreshold resonance could ...
Narrowband feedback for narrowband control of resonant and non-resonant vibration
This paper presents a simple feedback methodology that uses second order filters to control narrowband resonant and non-resonant vibration of a structural system. In particular, a single degree-of-freedom system is studied ...
Segmentation of neonatal brain magnetic resonance images
(CIMAT, 2016)
Segmentation of neonatal brain magnetic resonance images
(CIMAT, 2016)
Resonance states in a cylindrical quantum dot with an external magnetic field
Bound and resonance states of quantum dots play a significant role in photo-absorption processes. In this work, we analyze a cylindrical quantum dot, its spectrum and, in particular, the behaviour of the lowest resonance ...
An Alternative Optical Method for Acoustic Resonance Detection in HID Lamps
Acoustic resonances are observed in high-pressure discharge lamps operated with ac input modulated power frequencies in the kilohertz range. This paper describes an optical resonance detection method for high-intensity ...
Surface plasmon resonance devise with imaging processing detector for refractive index measurement
(Optics Communications, 2014)
Effect of phonons on the electron spin resonance absorption spectrum
(IOP Publishing Ltd., 2020-07)
The unavoidable presence of vibrations in solid-state devices can drastically modify the expected electron spin resonance (ESR) absorption spectrum in magnetically active systems. In this work, we model the effect of phonons ...