Now showing items 1-10 of 10106
O brincar no contexto do adoecimento infantil : um recurso de aprendizagem para o fortalecimento da crian??a frente ?? doen??a e frente ?? vida.
(Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????o da UFBA, 2010)
Resilience evaluation of the environmental control and life support system of a spacecraft for deep space travel
In deep space manned travels, the crew life will be totally dependent on the environment control and life support system of the spacecraft. A life-support system for manned missions is a set of technologies to regenerate ...
Resiliencia en el Estado, la sociedad, la política y la urbe. Algunas reflexiones
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE-PUCP)PE, 2022)
Conceptual design of cogeneration plants under a resilient design perspective: Resilience metrics and case study
The conceptual design phase is the first step in the design process of an engineering system. Most engineering systems, including cogeneration plants, may and likely will experience some malfunctions during its life cycle. ...
Supply Chain Context and its Impacts on Resilience
This paper empirically investigates the influence of supply chain context on supply chain resilience, during an extreme climate event. Design/methodology/approach: Based on 41 indepth qualitative interviews in two Brazilian ...
Land Use Planning for Disaster Resilient Communities
Land-use planning that considers natural hazard risk is the single most important mitigation measure in minimising the increase in future disaster losses in areas of new development. The Land Use Planning for Disaster ...
Centering at the Margins: Critical Community Resilience Praxis
Aims: This article aims to reframe resilience for use in community research and action in conditions of adversity marked by increasing natural disasters and by social inequities rooted in the coloniality of power, such as ...
Par??metros indicativos da resili??ncia dos recifes de coral do sul da Bahia
(Instituto de Geoci??nciasIGEObrasil, 2018-10-05)
Problemas de comportamento, resili??ncia e sobrepeso/obesidade em adolescentes: estudando um contexto de transi????o urbano-rural.
(Programa de p??s-gradua????o em Sa??de Coletiva, 2011)