Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8334
Structure-activity relationship of mastoparan analogs: effects of the number and positioning of Lys residues on secondary structure, interaction with membrane-mimetic systems and biological activity
(Elsevier B. V., 2015-05-02)
In this study, a series of mastoparan analogs were engineered based on the strategies of Ala and Lys scanning in relation to the sequences of classical mastoparans. Ten analog mastoparans, presenting from zero to six Lys ...
Effect of high and low residual herbage mass of a tropical pasture grazed by goats. 2. Sward structure(a).
(Amer Soc Animal Science, 2006-01-01)
Effect of high and low residual herbage mass of a tropical pasture grazed by goats. 2. Sward structure(a).
(Amer Soc Animal Science, 2006-01-01)
The subvariety of commutative residuated lattices represented by twist-products
(Springer, 2014-03)
Given an integral commutative residuated lattice L, the product L × L can be endowed with the structure of a commutative residuated lattice with involution that we call a twist-product. In the present paper, we study the ...
One-shot determination of residual dipolar couplings: application to the structural discrimination of small molecules containing multiple stereocenters
(American Chemical Society, 2016-11)
A novel approach for the fast and efficient structural discrimination of molecules containing multiple stereochemical centers is described. A robust J-resolved HSQC experiment affording highly resolved 1JCH/1TCH splittings ...
n-residual module m graph and its application in structuring n-adic residualsGrafo n- residual Módulo m y su aplicación en la estructuración de Residuos n- adicos
(Universidad de Costa Rica, Centro de Investigación en Matemática Pura y Aplicada (CIMPA), 2019)
A new approach for structural damage detection exploring the singular spectrum analysis
This article presents a novel approach for damage detection applied to structural health monitoring systems exploring the residues obtained from singular spectrum analysis. In this technique, a lead zirconate titanate patch ...
Formulation and characterization of structural lightweight concrete containing residues of porcelain tile polishing, tire rubber and limestone
(ABCERAM, 2017-12)
O recente aumento da indústria da construção civil transformou o concreto em uma escolha ideal para reciclar vários resíduos que
anteriormente eram descartados no meio ambiente. Entre os vários produtos, os resíduos de ...
A family-based approach reveals the function of residues in the nuclear receptor ligand-binding domain
(Elsevier B.V., 2004-08-06)
Literature studies, 3D structure data, and a series of sequence analysis techniques were combined to reveal important residues in the structure and function of the ligand-binding domain of nuclear hormone receptors. A ...