Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 9937
Reproductive biology of the rock shrimp Sicyonia dorsalis (Decapoda: Penaeoidea) from the southeastern coast of Brazil
(Int Science Services/balaban Publishers, 2008-12-01)
Sicyonia dorsalis is not commercially exploited in Brazil, but it forms a critical link in marine food chains by converting detritus food sources into microorganism biomass that is available for higher trophic levels. We ...
Effects of the upwelling system on the assessment of reproductive parameters of the caridean shrimp Nematopalaemon schmitti (Holthuis, 1950) in the Western Atlantic
Costal upwelling and other oceanographic features exert important effects on neritic and benthic communities, causing variations in the reproduction and survival of organisms. Here, we assessed the population structure, ...
Maternal investment in egg production: environmental and population-specific effects on offspring performance in the snapping shrimp Alpheus nuttingi (Schmitt, 1924) (Decapoda, Alpheidae)
Among marine invertebrates, the overall biomass invested in egg production varies widely within populations, which can result from the interaction of endogenous and exogenous factors. Species that have constant reproduction ...
Structure, histochemistry and seasonal variations of the male reproductive accessory glands in the Pallas’s mastiff bat, Molossus molossus (Chiroptera: Molossidae)
(Csiro Publishing, 2013-11-12)
Due to their wide geographical distribution, bats suffer considerable influence from abiotic factors on their reproductive strategies, detected through behavioural or functional assessment of the gonads and accessory glands. ...
Structure, histochemistry and seasonal variations of the male reproductive accessory glands in the Pallas
Due to their wide geographical distribution, bats suffer considerable influence from abiotic factors on their reproductive strategies, detected through behavioural or functional assessment of the gonads and accessory glands. ...
Impacts of Reproductive Technologies on Beef Production in South America
(Springer, 2014-01-01)
The majority of beef cow herds in South America are constituted by Bos indicus females, which have particular reproductive features that contribute to reduced reproductive efficiency compared with that of B. taurus cohorts. ...
Reproductive injustice, trans rights, and eugenics
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-01-15)
This article explores how the recognition of the gender identity of trans people can have negative consequences on their reproductive health and rights. First, it argues that, while both the right to gender identity and ...
Reproductive biology of Phymaturus Spectabilis (Liolaemidae): females skip reproduction in cold and harsh environments of Patagonia, Argentina
(Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 2014-07-13)
Herein, we describe the reproductive biology of Phymaturus spectabilis, a lizard species that inhabits rocky outcrops in cold and arid environments of the Patagonian steppe of Argentina. We studied male and female reproductive ...