Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6253
Weak nondifferential measurement error models
In this note we consider the class of weak nondifferential measurement error models, which as a special case, contains the class of the nondifferential measurement error models (Carroll et al., 1995). Examples of measurement ...
Automatic syntax error reporting and recovery in parsing expression grammars
(Elsevier, 2020-02-15)
Generalized error-dependent prediction uncertainty in multivariate calibration
(Elsevier Science, 2016-01)
Most of the current expressions used to calculate figures of merit in multivariate calibration have been derived assuming independent and identically distributed (iid) measurement errors. However, it is well known that ...
Medication errors in a Spanish community pharmacy: nature, frequency and potential causes
Background Medication safety has long been recognized as a key issue within the broader patient safety agenda. Errors can occur at any step along the way, from prescribing to the ultimate provision of the drug to the ...
Error reporting in Parsing Expression Grammars
(Elsevier, 2016-12-15)
Hypothesis testing in an errors-in-variables model with heteroscedastic measurement errors
In many epidemiological studies it is common to resort to regression models relating incidence of a disease and its risk factors. The main goal of this paper is to consider inference on such models with error-prone ...
Determinación del error en el control de lazo abierto por inversa de Volterra debido a errores en la estimación de los parámetros del sistema
(Proyectos de Investigación 2015 (SIP-IPN), 2015-08)
El control de bucle abierto por la inversa de Volterra es muy atractivo ya que se supone que el sistema es transformado en un sistema de la ganancia unitaria y se obtiene un ancho de banda infinito. Sin embargo, el ...
Measurement error models with a general class of error distribution
In general, the normal distribution is assumed for the surrogate of the true covariates in the classical error model. This paper considers a class of distributions, which includes the normal one, for the variables subject ...
Errores en Medicina
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2001)
Detección de errores de medicación en la administración de medicamentos
(Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico Farmacéuticas, 2000)
Los errores de medicación ocasionan altos costos asociados a problemas de morbimortalidad en los hospitales. El objetivo del trabajo fue detectarlos, determinar su frecuencia y proponer correctivos para disminuir su ...