Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 77
Renyi relative entropies and renormalization group flows
(Springer, 2018-09)
Quantum Renyi relative entropies provide a one-parameter family of distances between density matrices, which generalizes the relative entropy and the fidelity. We study these measures for renormalization group flows in ...
Holographic renormalization flows, entanglement entropy and the sum rule
(Springer, 2016-03-07)
We calculate the two-point function of the trace of the stress tensor in holographic renormalization group flows between pairs of conformal field theories. We show that the term proportional to the momentum squared in this ...
Topological entropy and renormalization group flow in 3-dimensional spherical spaces
(Springer, 2015-01)
We analyze the renormalization group (RG) flow of the temperature independent term of the entropy in the high temperature limit β/a ≪ 1 of a massive field theory in 3-dimensional spherical spaces, M3, with constant curvature ...
Renormalization group structure for sums of variables generated by incipiently chaotic maps
(IOP Publishing, 2010-01)
We look at the limit distributions of sums of deterministic chaotic variables in unimodal maps and find a remarkable renormalization group (RG) structure associated with the operation of increment of summands and rescaling. ...
Exact hairy black brane solutions in 5d anti-de sitter space and holographic renormalization group flows
Exact hairy black brane solutions in 5d anti-de sitter space and holographic renormalization group flows
Holographic RG flows, entanglement entropy and the sum rule
(Springer, 2016-03)
We calculate the two-point function of the trace of the stress tensor in holographic renormalization group flows between pairs of conformal field theories. We show that the term proportional to the momentum squared in this ...
Relative entropy and the RG flow
(Springer, 2017-03)
We consider the relative entropy between vacuum states of two different theories: a conformal field theory (CFT), and the CFT perturbed by a relevant operator. By restricting both states to the null Cauchy surface in the ...