Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3698
Is there a religious explanation for high life satisfaction in Latin America?
Recent initiatives call for the incorporation of subjective well-being measures in the assessment of development. Latin Americans do report, on average, very high life satisfaction levels, which are also higher than what ...
Religious Practice and Life Satisfaction: A Domains-of-Life Approach
Research on the relationship between religious practice and life satisfaction usually points to the existence of a positive association; with spiritual and social networks in the congregation being considered as important ...
Being a Roman Catholic in a context of religious diversity. A «lived religion» exploration among Catholics in Córdoba, Argentina
(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2017-12)
From a lived religion approach, the Authors explore how Catholics and ex-Catholics from Córdoba, Argentina, conceive 'being Catholics', and how they react to the plurality of religious options in their everyday lives. The ...
Religious practice in the pandemic of COVID-19 and the nursing diagnoses
Purpose: Identify the elements (defining characteristics, related factors, and risk factors) of the diagnoses of NANDA international impaired religiosity (00169), risk for impaired religiosity (00170), and readiness for ...
The richness of ordinary life: Religious justification among Chile's business elite
Based on the analysis of 75 in-depth interviews with managers and businessmen of Chile's main economic conglomerates, this article is concerned with the justification, on religious and moral grounds, of the establishment ...
As práticas de ensino religioso na perspectiva emancipatória: uma abordagem de Paulo Freire.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2017-11-24)
The study reflects about practices of Religious education on a advanced perspective, illustrates conceptions to a foundation of this practices. We reflect about a reality of the world Post-Modern, understand that face this ...
Religious Practice and Attitudes towards Offenders
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2013-08)
This ex post facto study aims to investigate the influence of religious practice on the types of reaction to situations of offence. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to evaluate the relation- ship between ...
Jovenes Amados por Jesús
This document describes the Educational practice I that was realized in the educational institution of the Pital
Contains annual projects axes curricular classes and religious education area, realized in the sixth grade ...
Religião e Transformações Urbanas em Recife, Brasil
(Ciencias Sociales y Religión/Ciências Sociais e Religião, 2007)