Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 93368
Quadrature rules from a R I I type recurrence relation and associated quadrature rules on the unit circle
We consider the theoretical and numerical aspects of the quadrature rules associated with a sequence of polynomials generated by a special R II recurrence relation. We also look into some methods for generating the nodes ...
Two variable Freud orthogonal polynomials and matrix Painleve-type difference equations
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022-09-10)
We study bivariate orthogonal polynomials associated with Freud weight functions depending on real parameters. We analyse relations between the matrix coefficients of the three term relations for the orthonormal polynomials ...
Impaired vascular reactivity in healthy first-degree relatives of subjects with type 2 diabetes is related to metabolic factors
(American Diabetes Association, 2019)
Propositional equality for gradual dependently typed programming
(ACM, 2022)
Gradual dependent types can help with the incremental adoption of dependently typed code by providing a principled semantics for imprecise types and proofs, where some parts have been omitted. Current theories of gradual ...
(Assoc Bras Divulg Cientifica, 1992-01-01)
1. Insulin autoantibodies (IAA) of first-degree relatives of type I diabetic patients and recent-onset type I diabetics were measured by radioimmunoassay. A cut-off of 60 nU/ml was established on the basis of the values ...
Farm typology incorporating actual land use: a low-data input approach for the Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Atlantic Zone Programme Agricultural University Wageningen, Wageningen (Países Bajos) Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, San José (Costa Rica), 1996-04)
The USTED methodology is a linear programming model, which supports land use planning as regional planning of agricultural lands. Although it is focused at the regional level, it does include the farm level as well and it ...
On s-set in space of homogeneous type
(Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Mathematics, 2015-01)
Let (X, d, μ) be a space of homogeneous type. We study the relationship between two types of s-sets: relative to a distance and relative to a measure. We find a condition on a closed subset F of X under which F is an s-set ...
On a counterexample related to weighted weak type estimates for singular integrals
(American Mathematical Society, 2017-01-06)
We show that the Hilbert transform does not map L1(MΦw) to L1,∞(w) for every Young function Φ growing more slowly than t log log(ee +t). Our proof is based on a construction of M.C. Reguera and C. Thiele.
Double Dissociations in the Processing of Conceptual Relations
(Polish Neuropsychological Society, 2014-06)
The aim of the present paper is to analyze if taxonomic and thematic conceptual relations are processed primarily in the linguistic system, in the simulation system or in both. Because the verbal modality is the best way ...
Szego type polynomials and para-orthogonal polynomials
(Academic Press Inc. Elsevier B.V., 2010-10-01)
Szego type polynomials with respect to a linear functional M for which the moments M[t(n)] = mu(-n) are all complex, mu(-n) = mu(n) and D(n) not equal 0 for n >= 0. are considered. Here, D(n) are the associated Toeplitz ...