Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4309
Artigo de opinião como macrogênero: relações lógico-semânticas na perspectiva sistêmico-funcional
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilLetrasUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em LetrasCentro de Artes e Letras, 2015-12-17)
In this work, the main objective consists in analyzing the logical-semantic relations in the text
organization in steps and phases, in opinion articles related to the New Brazilian Forest Code
thematic and published by ...
Memes in Teaching Material: Considerations on the Teaching and Learning of Speech Genres
This article aims to discuss the presence of the genre meme in teaching materials, either as a teaching object or as language practice. To do so, starting from official documents, which guide the Brazilian practices of ...
A série Free!: conexões entre “genre” e “gender”
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Imagem e Som - PPGISCâmpus São Carlos, 2017-11-24)
The present research proposes a reflection on "gender", as the formulation of audiovisual discourses, and "genre", in the sense of the social construction of sexualities. To do so, an analysis was conducted about the first ...
Context, register and genre: Implications for language education
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso<br> Instituto de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje, 2010)
Análise de gêneros em contextos específicos: organização retórica e construção de sentidos no resumo de comunicação para eventos acadêmicos.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2017-11-08)
The question of genre analysis in specific contexts has represented a study approach that explicitly and in depth knowledge about the construction, interpretation and use of genres in the most diverse situations, in the ...
Dictionary as genre: By a proposal for categorizationDicionário enquanto gênero textual: Por uma proposta de categorização
Depending on the typology of the dictionary: monolingual, bilingual, special language, specialized etc., we can find different and important information that contribute greatly with the consultant in his process of searching ...
(Univ Estadual Parana, Escola Musica & Belas Artes Parana, 2020-01-01)
This paper proposes to reflect about the contribution of discursive genres as an educational focus in multiliteracies. Although the concept of genre, grounded in the discussions proposed by the Bakhtinian studies, appears ...
Music genre classification using traditional and relational approaches
(Universidade de São Paulo - USPUniversidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCarCentro de Robótica de São Carlos - CROBSociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBCSociedade Brasileira de Automática - SBASão Carlos, 2014-10)
Given the huge size of music collections available on the Web, automatic genre classification is crucial for the organization, search, retrieval and recommendation of music. Different kinds of features have been employed ...
Appraisal in the research genres: An analysis of grant proposals by Argentinean researchers
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso<br> Instituto de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje, 2010)
(Univ Estado Mato Grosso, 2017-01-01)
The object analyzed in this paper is the short story Passeio Noturno, by Rubem Fonseca. In this text, we observed the figurativization of a financially successful executive man who belongs to a family that follows the ...