Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 57617
A user-driven association rule mining based on templates for multi-relational data
Data mining algorithms to find association rules are an important tool to extract knowledge from databases. However, these algorithms produce an enormous amount of rules, many of which could be redundant or irrelevant for ...
Designing relational data warehouses through schema-transformation primitives : prototype
(UR. FI – INCO., 2001)
The logical design of a Data Warehouse (DW) is a task that requires the application of techniques and strategies that are specific of DW context. In [Mar00] we present a mechanism for designing DWs. Based in this mechanism ...
Data Management Plan in university Data Repositories
(Univ Federal Santa Catarina, 2018-09-01)
Data Management Plan is the formal document that describes the data management processes integrating their life cycle. The elaboration of the Data Management Plan assists the researchers and professionals working in the ...
Modelo de datos del sistema de relaciones inter-empresariales: RIE
(Ciencia e Ingeniería, 2010)
Chaves estrangeiras dinâmicas em sistemas gerenciadores de banco de dados
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Informática, 2011-12-16)
The current project had these objectives: to make possible the mapping of any information inside a database; to build connections between tables dynamically, without alteration or creation of columns. To create a model of ...
Falcao - a relational database to storaging the variables monitored in the research reactor IEA-R1
(Sao Paulo: ABEN, 2007, 2014)
Constraint based structural testing criteria
(Elsevier Science IncNew YorkEUA, 2006)
Data quality in research data management: a bibliometric study
(Univ Federal Rio Grande Sul, Fac Biblioteconomia & Comunicacao, 2022-01-01)
Research data management is recognized by the scientific community as an important part of best practices in research, so that these data should be available for access and reuse. Within the context of research data ...
Data warehouse design to support social media analysis in a big data environment
The volume of generated and stored data from social media has increased in the last decade. Therefore, analyzing and understanding this kind of data can offer relevant information in different contexts and can assist ...